Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

Actually I disagree. How terrible would it be to go to some mundane court hearing, and get mugged on the way to your car? Any criminal knows that any person leaving a courthouse is unarmed. Now that’s some BS.

Courthouses actually provide checks for your firearm- they will safely stow it for you and have it ready for your retrieval when you’re leaving.

false… dunseith st… two streets over from the Pete and runs right to up to trees hall… I CAN BET MY LAST DOLLAR you never walked on that street anytime in the dark.
i can also be sure you’ve never made it to robinson st at night. i’m sure you’ve been on forbes and atwood ect but i’m bettin you never crossed the BLVD at night… i’m sure you never were on the backside of the campus near center ave… you know why i know… because u are here in this thread with no story that you got mugged, shot, shot at… etc… incase u didnt know the hill district is right against pitts campus. 5 years ago when robinson court projects were still there its was even worse. the fact the hill is there is every reason a student should carry a firearm on campus


Looks like that article mainly dealt with pre-college grade school shootings…not exactly pertinent to the topic at hand.

Either way, I must have missed the section that explained how college students being legally armed failed to deter more school shootings.

well maybe you should sharpen your bifocals b/c i didnt see anywhere in there where it said this article pertains to pre undergrad school. in fact i did read where it said the study included ages 11-21… and by my count that includes college, unless wherever you went to hs had a bunch of 21 yr/ old students in it.

furthermore i was only posting it up as reading material… did you see under my link anything that said please read this to prove my point? no? thx casue neither did I.

my biggest concern is still the “false positive” and crossfire points and I think that protection should be left in the hands of professionals or well trained personnel, not john q. public who thinks the kid in his art history 101 class with the trench coat is going to obliterate a lecture hall full of people.

What I do agree with is that there needs to be something done to protect students and all in educational environments. I’m not sure how you protect without infringing on freedom or stifling learning. Haven’t figured that part out yet and if I had, I wouldn’t be typing on pittspeed right now.

Generally carrying in public though is fine with me. If you have determined that to be the best way to protect yourself in a given situation (apt. in a bad place, parking on an urban campus, etc) then you have the right and should not be denied.

well maybe you should sharpen your bifocals b/c i didnt see anywhere in there where it said this article pertains to pre undergrad school. in fact i did read where it said the study included ages 11-21… and by my count that includes college, unless wherever you went to hs had a bunch of 21 yr/ old students in it.

It sure seemed to focus on pre-college schools. And my HS actually did have at least one 21 year old attending while I was there. Furthermore, colleges generally enroll students from 18-22- by precluding 22 year olds, it seems to me that this certainly was directed more towards pre-college schooling than towards grade 13+.

furthermore i was only posting it up as reading material… did you see under my link anything that said please read this to prove my point? no? thx casue neither did I.

Seems kind of silly to post something with no relevance to the topic at hand (which is firearms carried by college students, not pre-college school shootings), but that’s just MY opinion. :wink:

really? seems like this topic is about school violence (afterall isnt that why you want to carry a gun in school?) and I posted up a link to a secret service study done on violence in schools… did you even click the link or are you just talking out your ass?

i dont have a problem with having to take a shooting test to get a permit. while they cant stop you from owning a gun they can be more responsible about carry permits. i think its a great idea to have to pass a course in laoding, cleaning, carrying and shooting a gun to earn a cancealed weapons permit. i know a lady that has a permit just to have it but probably cant even pump her own gas… i can’t imagine her carrying a gun… i mean at the same time there are people with drivers licences that suck at driving but i still think a properly trained concealed weapons permit holder is a benifit to everyone including themselves.

guns in school aside i too think this is a good idea. i also know an idiot with a permit (thankfully she doesnt own an actual gun yet) who cant even drive her car. also for the record I own two guns and am not against guns as a whole…only in the classroom. my point of arguing isnt to try and say guns are bad blah blha blha and take away rights, i just think another alternative can be found. everyone on here is preaching about the gun owners rights to carry in the class room, but what about the guy next to you’s rights as a non gun owner… what if he feels so incredibly uncomfortable sitting there knowing that half the class is carrying that it affects his learning. learning that is costing him / her thousands of dollars per semester.

I would tell him to quit being a vagina and realize the guys around him will save his ass if some gun carrying criminal comes around

That’s a 2 way street hoss.

What about the kid that grew up guns around him all the time, that feels incredibly uncomfortable being in a room where he is denied the opportunity to defend himself as he best knows how? What if the “no gun” rule affects his learning? Maybe he lost a friend or family member at Virginia Tech, and doesn’t want to be a sitting duck waiting to be shot like a fish in a barrel when some whack-job criminal comes around and disregards the no gun rules. Maybe we should be concerned with the education of those people as well, not just the sissies who are afraid of tools that absolutely do not cause harm without an operator.

That’s a pretty good response too.

what makes a class room different than anything else thou?.. its really no different than goin to the movies. lets not treat a college “classroom” like its elementary school. if the guy next to you is uncomfortable then he’s going to fail greatly in life. college is about learning much more than whats in the books. most of the time you can’t even tell who’s carrying. the same amount of worry exists already, you dont know what crazy person has a gun on them, his level of comfort should be about the same. i could be uncomfortable some sitting next to me is arabian… they can;t kick him outta class can they? no… where is the ACLU for the gun owners? …they are a joke, they only protect what suits a liberal agenda.

this whole thread is a 2 way street… thats why its called debating. each side shares their view… i guess the only difference is the ppl that decide whether or not were allowed share MY opinion and not yours.

your response was much more eloquent than mine was :bowdown:

really? seems like this topic is about school violence (afterall isnt that why you want to carry a gun in school?)

This thread is about college students attending public universities affirming their Constitutional right to bear arms (and their natural right of self-defense).

This thread is not about minors attending K-12. This thread is not about elementary or high school shootings.

and I posted up a link to a secret service study done on violence in schools… did you even click the link or are you just talking out your ass?

I never talk out of my ass. :wink: You posted a link to an “interpretation” of a government study done on violence in K-12 schools; which, since our discussion does not pertain to K-12 schools whatsoever, has absolutely no relevance to the topic at hand.

this whole thread is a 2 way street… thats why its called debating. each side shares their view… i guess the only difference is the ppl that decide whether or not were allowed share MY opinion and not yours.

You’re definitely allowed to share YOUR opinion. However, we’re allowed to point out just how misguided you’re opinion is.


well as misguided as it may be the fact is i can still walk into any classroom and enjoy knowing that its gun free so i guess i might as well just stop arguing anyway.:doh:

Also, these things come in waves. I doubt a civilian carrying a pistol would have helped when Whitman shot up the U of Texas Austin in the 60’s.

damnit! Wiki proves me wrong again… Taken from a book by Ramiro Martinez, one of the officers on scene and credited with killing Whitman.

Once Whitman began facing return gunfire from the authorities and civilians who had brought out their personal firearms to assist police, he used the waterspouts on each side of the tower as gun ports, allowing him to continue shooting largely protected from the gunfire below but also greatly limiting his range of targets. Ramiro Martinez, an officer credited with neutralizing Whitman’s threat, later stated in his book that the civilian shooters should be credited, as they made it difficult for Whitman to take careful aim without being hit[17].

the only gun free zone is 6 feet deep!