Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

I never needed one in the middle of a classroom- it was needed while I commuting to a night class I had scheduled. Luckily the class was held at “remote campus 13” (Monroeville Expo-Mart). I picked it up last minute. If it was a class at main campus I wouldn’t have been armed because you can’t carry TO class if you can’t carry IN class.

Long story short- while leaving my house, I see someone breaking into my wife’s (she was my girlfriend back then) car. When I ask the guy what he’s doing, he approaches me with a knife and says he’s going to kill me.

I didn’t have anywhere to go- he was about 5 feet away from me, no one was around, and I was cornered between my house and my neighbors house with my door locked behind me. Luckily, the very presence of my firearm was enough to deter the guy into leaving…otherwise, I’m pretty positive he was serious when he told me I was about to be a dead white boy.

I disagree, its your right… if your over 21 you should be able to carry on campus if you choose to do so. I would feel safer that way… Like I said before, if crazy man comes into class and starts shooting… he will have 50+ people shooting right back at him. If not its like real life target practice for crazy man. Furthermore if crazy man KNOWS that now students are allowed to carry, im sure he is going to think different about going on a shooting spree in a classroom, because he knows he is only going to be able to shoot about 1 person before his brains are on the chalk board. Seems like a good solution to me :dunno:

thank goodness what the constitution says > what you “think”

so because someone was breaking into your wifes car in front your house you think kids should carry guns to school. ya… im happy it worked out for you in the middle of the street in your neighborhood, but i still dont think they should be allowed in teh classroom. noones trying to take away your gun carrying priveleges in the street… if your driving to school then you most certainly can carry your gun with you on your way to school, just leave it in your car when you get there…

and thank goodness lawmakers create laws based on the greater good of the population and not for the greater good of what darkstar from pittspeed thinks!

How many MORE school massacres have to happen for you to realize that you are wrong?? Its a problem bud… wake up

very true… it IS your right to carry firearms…unless your entering a building where the owners of the building decide they dont want firearms in their building. this is all extremely simple to resolve… and im not directing this towards you… but if you dont like not being able to bring a gun into a certain building then dont enter that building…plain and simple.

so because someone was breaking into your wifes car in front your house you think kids should carry guns to school.

One of many reasons. I feel that I, and others, should be able to protect ourselves whether we’re in class or heading to class.

ya… im happy it worked out for you in the middle of the street in your neighborhood

Appreciate your concern…

but i still dont think they should be allowed in teh classroom.

…but you still would have had me gutted if I were heading to a different class that night, so I don’t appreciate it that much.

noones trying to take away your gun carrying priveleges in the street… if your driving to school then you most certainly can carry your gun with you on your way to school, just leave it in your car when you get there…

What if I take the bus to school- which is what I almost always did going to main campus? What if someone is born in and lives in Homewood and can’t afford a car and is working their way through school, and has to take public transportation? You would force this person to be a victim?

And leaving a gun in your car? Wow- coming from an anti-gunner, that’s especially amusing. How do you think guns get into the hands of criminals? I know I’d personally love explaining to the police just how I left my firearm in my car and some crackhead stole it, putting another illegal gun on the streets…

very true… it IS your right to carry firearms…unless your entering a building where the owners of the building decide they dont want firearms in their building. this is all extremely simple to resolve… and im not directing this towards you… but if you dont like not being able to bring a gun into a certain building then dont enter that building…plain and simple.

That’s all fine and dandy, until we begin discussing publicly funded universities (which seems to be the topic here).

im not disagreeing with you that it is a problem… im just saying theres probalby a better solution!

this is all fine and its still YOUR opinion… MY opinion still stands… but its just OUR opinions… i dotn have another solution at this exact moment, but im sure if everyone stopped bitching about it on pittspeed and thought up an alternative there would be a lot more progression towards a solution.

this is all fine and its still YOUR opinion… MY opinion still stands… but its just OUR opinions… i dotn have another solution at this exact moment, but im sure if everyone stopped bitching about it on pittspeed and thought up an alternative there would be a lot more progression towards a solution.

MY opinion probably saved MY life and at the very least kept me from getting fucked up pretty bad. Can you say the same for yours?

The Constitution 2nd amendment gives us the right to carry… only the federal government should be able to take that away (court houses, federal buildings, federal court, etc…) should be the only places you can’t carry…

What makes Pitt and other schools above the constitution to say you can’t carry in their buildings??? Thats bullshit and im no lawyer, but that should be challenged. If thats true, then in my opinion, thats taking away some of your 2nd amendment.

MY opninion would have forced me to avoid confrontation. or do something stupid like chase him down 3 blocks. smort38’s car was broken into here at work and myself and him chased the guy down 3 blocks both unarmed…maybe not the brightest move but we all make our own decisions i guess.

MY opninion would have forced me to avoid confrontation.

I’m not the type of person that is easily victimized- plus, the “confrontation” escalated faster than I ever could’ve imagined.

or do something stupid like chase him down 3 blocks. smort38’s car was broken into here at work and myself and him chased the guy down 3 blocks both unarmed…maybe not the brightest move but we all make our own decisions i guess.

That wouldn’t have happened…dude was a junky for sure, but he was still fairly big and had a gigantic knife. You probably would’ve gotten sliced up and left for dead.

sometimes you dont have the option to avoide confrontation… he said the guy had him cornered with a knife out… I dont think you have many other options but to pull out a gun… or pull some Walker Texas Ranger shit…

sometimes you dont have the option to avoide confrontation… he said the guy had him cornered with a knife out… I dont think you have many other options but to pull out a gun… or pull some Walker Texas Ranger shit…

The guy didn’t see me open my front door (he didn’t realize I was there until I spoke)- I suppose I could’ve turned around and quietly gone back into my house (letting him do his business on my girl’s car). I definitely didn’t expect his violent reaction to my casual “Hey, what the fuck are you doin’?” though. I honestly thought he was going to run.

Hey, I have another bandwagon I think you might want to jump on. I’ve been thinking recently about the ~17,000 people that were killed last year in DUI fatalities. I think that since some people cannot responsibly handle driving a car, we should just ban cars. Think of all the lives we would save if we all started getting to work by bicycle or on horseback!

Also, our president almost choked and died on a pretzel. Why have we not banned these yet? These things almost took down our commander in chief! In fact, think of all the other things people have choked and died on. I think we should make it illegal to serve solid foods. From now on you have to put your steak in a blender before you eat it.

Or, just put brethalyzer interlocks on them from the factory because drunken irresponsible slobs can’t handle freedom and responsibility.



First of all, the 2nd amendment isn’t an opinion, it’s the law. Secondly, we do have a solution to school shootings, armed teachers and students. You don’t like our solution, and you don’t have one of your own.

Actually I disagree. How terrible would it be to go to some mundane court hearing, and get mugged on the way to your car? Any criminal knows that any person leaving a courthouse is unarmed. Now that’s some BS.

The job of the government is to protect our rights, not to infringe on them as they please. I can see why they don’t want guns in the courtrooms or even in the hallways, but that doesn’t make it right.

And to whoever mentioned the wild west, haha. Do some research it wasn’t like the movies. Sure there were shootings, but we have those today. The difference was that no coward managed to pull off a massacre, because so many commonfolk carried.

The whole OK Corral thing was basically a gang fight, just like Capone and his enemies, or any of the blood/crypt crap out in LA. I’m not saying it was right, but you have to understand the historical perspective, it wasn’t a gun-running free for all with shootings everyday. You don’t watch “Boys in the Hood” and deduce that all of LA is a huge warzone.