Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

I think anyone who legally carries can say something similar, if not the exact same thing, I know that’s how I am.

i would disagree that computer-literate car enthusiasts are a representative sample of the entire gun owning populace.

i carried a baseball in my book bag in high school… i knew i had a chance to fire it off someones face i wouldn’t miss. lol if i was found with any other type of weapon that would have meant expulsion.

i’ll take my chances that a regular gun toting student isnt gonna flip and light up the class room. i dont think carrying to class would be the problem… i think a bunch of gun carrying college kids goin to parties on campus would be the bigger issue. if they arent gonna let college kids carry they need to come up with some type of system to keep them safe… (gaurds in every lecture hall, tons of metal detectors, etc. etc…) theres a lot factors that weight into this question. the more i think about it. i’m still for it but with more hesitation than i thought at first. the whole think about drunk college kids with guns is weighing big in my mind. we’ve all seen dumb ass brawls for no reason at a party… if people are now strapped, think of what could go down.

Most of us in the thread are speakin with maturity, some college kids dont have that. With the stuff that goes on at smaller schools that are like an extention of high school who knows what people would do… some kid gets loaded at a party, find his scum bag girl friend suckin some BBC, smokes her, smokes the basketball player…etc etc…

invigorating solely below the waist, i hope… :naughty:

my point exactly. :love:

fucking blow me, with your argument that i’m some sheltered fucking suburban douche. i’ve delivered pizzas in manchester, north side, and northview heights. i’ve never needed a gun, even though i’ve carried over a thousand dollars on a semi-regular basis.

the one time i was mugged, it was set up so i never would have had time to grab a weapon if i had one.

i might have lived in shaler and north park, but i’ve also lived in a minivan and some really shitty apartments.

Whatever or wherever you’ve lived, speak for yourself. I have had to use a gun to protect myself. If said encounter had happened while I was heading to main campus in Oakland instead of to remote campus 13, I wouldn’t have been carrying and may not be posting here right now. At the very least I probably would’ve got a buck fifty and my charming good looks would’ve been ruined forever. :wink:

So again, my initial argument stands- thank YOU for deciding what type of protection I need.

the whole think about drunk college kids with guns is weighing big in my mind.

The same laws that apply to people who carry that don’t live on college campuses should apply here. If you’re intoxicated past the legal driving limit, you shouldn’t be allowed to carry, and if caught, you should face stiff legal punishment.

I was thinking that the whole time.

After reading this thread the song Chris Rock did “no sex in the champagne room” If you put metal detectors up everywhere then people waiting for you to leave class know you don’t have anything on you.

Im for it …

Well what happens when that same situation occurs off campus? As far as I can tell, people are no more likely to lose their temper on campus property than anywhere else. The only thing these “gun free” zones does is designate an area for people to commit crimes against people where they perpetrator is less likely to get shot.

Oh shut the fuck up you sheltered fucking suburban douche.

the argument that people will be blasting each other over parking spots and looking funny at each other does not hold true off of campus property, so I fail to see how it would be applicable ON campus property.

I agree, keep their asses in jail and cost me even more tax dollars. No real point in killing the low life bastard.

All I can say is, Dumb Ass Douche Bag. And that might just be too nice for you.

But honestly, I carry everywhere. If I can’t carry I dont go there, period. I’m not shooting anyone over a measly $1000.00, not even $5000.00 You fuck with with me or my family, we are gonna fight, you pull a knife or gun your gonna die. Got it?

Yup. What he said.

Criminals are cowards. They’re gonna prey where they’re safest. If they think Granny’s got a .38, they’ll move on…

the problem wiht this thread is that its written by and responded to by a bunch of gun carriers. If you have a problem being somehwere that your not allowed to carry then i suggest you dont go there. pretty simple really. if your afraid to attend college at PITT for christ sake of all places, then maybe harvard is a better choice for you…

the problem wiht this thread is that its written by and responded to by a bunch of gun carriers. If you have a problem being somehwere that your not allowed to carry then i suggest you dont go there. pretty simple really.

Not really. We have a Constitutionally stated right that affords us the ability to use firearms to protect ourselves; we also have a natural right of self defense.

if your afraid to attend college at PITT for christ sake of all places, then maybe harvard is a better choice for you…

What a silly statement- do you think some folks said the same thing about Virginia Tech before the shooting there? Furthermore, not everyone who attends Pitt gets to commute from their parents house in the suburbs; while I was attending Pitt I was very worried about my personal safety traveling to and from campus, unarmed, through the neighborhood I lived in.

Not that Oakland at night is particularly nice anyway. Been past the Original after 9PM lately? Right in the center of campus…

Ya as a matter of fact ive been all around pitts campus at all hours of the day and night… i went to pitt… not once did i think to myself gee i better carry… and i went to night school there too so the majority of my time spent in oakland was at night. oakland isnt a rough area of town. but i realize this thread isnt just about oakland its about all schools and qutie frankly i cant speak for all colleges and their surrounding areas in this country and really neither can any one of us on here. my point is i dont think arming a bunch of 21 year olds is the answer. it might seem like an easy way out but im sure there are better ways to protect ourselves…


Please elaborate then? If you have a better idea?

Ya as a matter of fact ive been all around pitts campus at all hours of the day and night… i went to pitt… not once did i think to myself gee i better carry… and i went to night school there too so the majority of my time spent in oakland was at night. oakland isnt a rough area of town. but i realize this thread isnt just about oakland its about all schools and qutie frankly i cant speak for all colleges and their surrounding areas in this country and really neither can any one of us on here.

I can speak for myself- I HAVE needed a firearm for my own personal protection. It angers me to think that someone like you would have taken that protection away from me when I very much needed it.

I was 22 at the time, FYI.

sorry in the 10 minutes worth of reading this thread i havent come up with a better idea quite yet, but that still doesnt change my opinion in thinking that allowing a bunch of guns is the BEST solution.

so tell me … was that need for your firearm in the middle of the classroom?