Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

ok so lets pretend you guys get your way and everyone is allowed ot carry a gun to school… first of all this isnt going to deter a fucking psycho from coming in and shooting everyone in sight… majority of these massacres results in the shooter killing himself or continuing until someone kills him to stop him… so what makes you think knowing a few extra ppl are strapped is going to stop him… but back up for a second… .so he comes in and starts shooting ppl… so amidst the chaos every hero in the building pulls out whatever theyre carrying and starts shooting in the general direction of the assailant, and i say general direction b/c im just gonna take a stab that probalby less than 50% of all ppl carrying a concealed weapon actually know how to accuratly use that weapon. so now you have that many more stray bullets flying around the room possibly injuring /killing innocent victims… and to be quite honest it proobalby didnt save many lives… google all of the recent college shootings… a vast majority of them resulted in < 5 ppl dead… adn thats b/c you only had 1 person aimlessly shooting… throw a bunch more ppl into the mix with no firearm knowledge and that number could quite possibly go up… my point is leave the guns to the trained officials and let them handle the situation… instead of arming the students put more gaurds in place and set up a better response system!