Cars are a disease. Cures?

there are 3 pavement tracks within an hour of buffalo (bliss,chapel hill, Batavia) and you can throw in another 2 or 3 if you wanted to run dirt. Running karts was probably the most fun I’ve ever had in my life and I really regret selling it.

Get a bike. As far as the parent thing goes, I found out that just having it in the garage before your parents come home is the best way to tell them :lol:

Get another job or two that you actually enjoy and count your money every day.


Make more threads and make sure they have polls.

F-bod. You always work on them, and its always something different so its a constant change lol.

That sentence alone tells me a lot. I get very intimate with my projects and I can’t bear to even think about losing them, let alone selling them. If you get tired of a project or you feel like you need to do something else, it’s the project that consumes you, not the car. I think you should start looking at this from a slightly different perspective. Instead of thinking that a car would be cool if you did such-and-such to it, think about if you could take such-and-such and also turn a profit. Don’t lose out on the situation, use your hobby as a source of income. Even if you just break even you’re actually profiting(mentally) since your hobby has been funded 100% by the sales. No more spending, it’s self-sufficient.

get a dirtbike or quad.

Lol I don’t stalk anyone. I don’t post the threads to get attention, I could get the attention other ways and I know it. I do not like attention. I’m just looking for suggestions from people who have gone through this, because I KNOW people have gone through this on here. I’ve realized that I just get shit deep into a project by jumping into too many aspects of the projects at once and it overwhelms me.

I’ve gotten several good ideas from some of the posts before and after yours and I think I have an idea of how to calm this.

Next semester(fall) I will be doing cross country again, because I really do miss doing it.
I will be going to get a gym membership before the end of the month and start to work out.
and I think I’m going to either look into gokarting like kuntryquest suggested, or I’m seriously considering buying an ATV from someone on here.

I think these things will benefit me and keep me busy enough to not have the time to build a car any time soon.

Thanks to everyone who gave me good ideas. Much appreciated.

Autocross. $35/event and a skilled driver in a cheap beater can and will whoop your ass. It’s a great motivator to spend time on yourself rather than money on your car and it shouldn’t be hard to find an event nearly every weekend within a 2 hour drive. A bunch of em right at ECC north.

Kickboxing with Micah at that place on Delaware?

Fuck, you’re 18. Bang 17 year olds while they’re still legal!

Kickboxing? I’m interested!

I will be doing as many auto-x and track events as I can afford to.

I also reff pro paintball in the summer which occupies many weekends and I enjoy doing it.

Search for a thread I made titled “martial arts”

What Micah does sounded really awesome. Unfortunately I gots no time.

I’ll second that. Make sure you race in a stock class. It helps keep you from modifying your car so you stay in said stock class.
Found it and it’s very interesting. I think I’ll PM him and get more information on it.

I can’t do stock class, my car is pretty heavily modded I suppose. I’ll have to start off in novice for this year.

Get an Evo and a set of slicks for auto-x.

Just fucking stop!

Have a kid?

Shove your logic up your ass!