
What is required to get a car certified? I did a search on the governments sites and found nothing about requirements, I also searched google and here and didnt find anything really. So if someone who has gotten their car certified before and knows that is required could help me out it would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Everything that is there, must work.

Seatbelts, all lights, brakes, pads must be a certain thickness, tires must have a certain amount of tread, no but rust holes, etc etc.

Common sense stuff.

From what happened at my safety.
Jacked up the car to look at the frame, tested all the switches inside, tested to see if heater works, wipers, etc… Checked the tires, checked the e-brake. Had me drive him around for a bit and do some hard stops to see how the brakes are. Lights were a big issue for me, guy wanted to fail me cause my 3rd brake light wasn’t working (even though the thing is useless), I managed to talk him into letting it go since the rest of em worked.

don’t forget about suspension… that is the most common ‘surprise’ area for customers.

ball joints
tie rod ends
control arms

other items:

driver window operation
all lights including markers
leaking fluids
defroster must work

awesome thanks guys, if the lever to pop the hatch from the inside doesnt work would it matter…or would that depend on the mechanic?


a car does not have to run be be saftied… it doesnt even really need an engine.

yes it does bing

a car without an engine isn’t a car

how will they be able to tell if your power steering is good? unless you have the pump ziptied to the engine bay…

Why would you need power steering for safety ??

cuz the car came equipped with it…

Yeah so? Some cars didn’t, it’s not a requiremnt for your car ot have power steering to drive it on the road.

My car also came with ABS, which doesn’t work…are you saying it should’ve failed safety too ??

yup… just like a car equipped with airbags needs them to safety.

The mechanic doing my safety told me that you don’t need a driveshaft for the safety, but you better make sure you have sun visors!