Cert. Sticklers?

I brought my new s13 chassis to a shop to get some work done.

I told them they may as well certify it for me since it will be there already and the guy called me today and said that he already knows he cant certify it because of 3 first impressions:

  1. aftermarket steering wheel
  2. lowered (sportlines/stock shocks)
  3. tinted windows

has anyone ever had to deal with these things when certifying a car?

lol wtf?


Well i have 3 stock steering wheels if you need one to certify.I also have stock suspension all around.

Pm me if interest.

If your car is “to low” they wont pass it, thatswhat happend to me…and for steering wheel and tinted windows thats BS my windows are so dark you cant even see in or tell the differnce between the black parts of the quarter windows and the see through part…lol it passed fine…

as for steering wheel i guess if its a quick releace maybe have some problem but i dunno its not like our cars had airbags and you took it out so who knows …take it somewhere elese sounds like a rip off.

the other BS thing is that they told me AFTER i dropped it off (today when they called) that they are charging me $60 just to give me an estimate … seriously, who charges $60 for an estimate? thats retarded.

get the car outa there and don’t give them a dime.


unless the horn dosen’t work I can’t understand his issue.

lowered - if they rub then its an issue sure, but eibachs aren’t super slam status

Get your dads buddies to “take care of business”

That is serious BS man… retards.

lol i smell a scam coming… ur bill sir is 500$ … why? because we took 5 hrs to take off a seized nut…

scroll to schedule 1

John, you couldn’t get your car safetied even if you put it in a bank.

I can’t see you having problems getting a cert. else where but if you do pm me.

That is fucking retarted John, Take it to Jeffs shop

I can understand after market “performance” spring on stock shocks. That’s not technically safe.
And how dark are your windows? Is it possible your windows are darker than allowable darkness?
I can’t think of why the steering wheel isn’t safe.

This doesnt make any sense, when I got it safetied they never said antyhign about tint or aftermarket wheel. Tint has nothing to do with safety, they have a list and tint is not on the list. It’s not even dark. Aftermarket wheel is also not an issue, they just need you to have a horn thats why i have that stupid little button there for the horn and it was fine. I can’t say about springs though beacuse they weren’t on when I got the car.

How is the rest of the stuff going ?

All of those things ARE a part of safety actually… technically. (Read spd-dmn’s post)

Most places aren’t too picky.

Also, syd_mysta - there is no “allowable” darkness for tint. Any amount of tint is illegal, any spray or film that changes the clarity of windows is illegal according to ontario’s HTA. It’s completely retarded and it’s one of those “we dont give a shit unless we are in a bad mood” laws.

found it!

73 (2) No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway where the surface of the windshield or of any window of the vehicle has been coated with any colour spray or other colour coating in such a manner as to obstruct the driver?s view of the highway or any intersecting highway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 73 (2).

Colour coating obscuring interior

(3) No person shall drive on a highway a motor vehicle on which the surface of the windshield or of any window to the direct left or right of the driver?s seat has been coated with any coloured spray or other coloured or reflective material that substantially obscures the interior of the motor vehicle when viewed from outside the motor vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 73 (3).

people certify cars with out checking they jus ask for about 10 bucks more.

got car back, ended up costing $171 after tax, parts and labour to replace one fuel line from the tank to half way up the car.

not as much rape as I thought… but enough.

the car still needs to get a nasty hole in the frame rail patched (typical spot),

power steering fixed,

“steering column” fixed (doesn’t cancel the signals),

horn fixed (it works, but its a separate button on the dash, not on the wheel),

need 4 tires (just gonna get some cheap summers, hankook probably. $60/each from tires.com woot!)

fuel feed line needs to be replaced ASAP (it doesnt leak but its damn close to breaking… the return is what was leaking and is now fixed)

signals dont flash, hopefully just the relay

the dash lights and HUD are intermittent

… hopefully once all of that is done I can drive it 365/year without any annoyances… i plan to winter drive it, because it’s a coupe.


well I winter drive my coupe too, so I guess I can’t be too hurt.

thas a burner i spent 40 bucks doing my sr swap.

I plan to blame every issue that comes up with this car on the fact that it’s a coupe :slight_smile:

Coupe = wood!

PS - this car officially features the weakest KA in the history of 240sx’s. :smiley: I’m pretty sure my parents automatic corolla could smoke this thing. but thats ok, it will help to keep me behaving on the streets.