CHERRY L98 Vette Killed for Cash for Clunkers..

I just saw one with a massarati… 1985 turbo… I love those cars, there so neat looking…

Anyways it looked mint… only had 18k on the clock… had some motor issues aparently. wouldent stay running… anyways thing was beautiful… and their going to crush it :Idiots


I totally agree, wtf is the gov doing !!!???!!

i feel so bad for that vette, fine car, destroyed for fucking no reason at all…

dude i woulda took that :frowning:

Shouldn’t have watched that shit pisses me off. There’s a 100 better things to do w these cars then destroy them

Shouldn’t have watched that shit pisses me off. There’s a 100 better things to do w these cars then destroy them

Not to mention my dad is trying to turn in my 92 firebird >:o

The main purpose of the program was to generate new car purchases. The secondary purpose was to get old inefficient cars off the road. To do that, they need to be destroyed, not resold.

I hope you guys really dont think the greatest outrage of CFC is some old domestic garbage blowing its motor…

The bimmer queer has spoken

Yes! Nothing could be worse!

Shouldn’t you be bench racing someone else’s car somewhere?


The main problems with the program are it worked too well. ( unlike many other Gov’t programs) It has really stirred up the market. and brought people out who would not have been in it. The knock on effect is excellent. Dealers spend money on advertising, salespeople get paid, the junk yards make some money, and the factories get to build more product ( so all their workers get paid) —The neat thing is people in our consumer economy are back our spending some money, which the rest of us need to make it all work.

–The execution of the program was terrible. When we were having all sorts of issues getting the info submitted, I finally got through to a real person on their tech help desk at 10:45 one night. I was told they had 5 people in their IT program --but were adding 5 more the following week ( this was before the 1st Billion was spent)

The delay in getting reimbursed is amazing, but typical for Gov’t—where people do not live in the real world.

And yes --There was a /maserati Bi turbo turned in --and it ran like Crap. Being a “car guy” and knowing some of these vehicles are unique makes stuff like that or the Vette hurt, but most of the business done with the auto business is not “car guys” but average people --just transportation.

BTW – Originally it was supposed to be just for Domestic Manufacturers, but the free trade people started screaming…

Shouldnt you be out shoe shopping with your new friends


OK the JYs arund here get the cars like A-1 and Kneers. Kneers is allows to part the cars out. They have 180 days after that whatever is left has to be crushed. The cars can get completely stripped and saved for parts except the shell HAS to get crushed along with the frame unless sections are needed. It sucks but the shit they put in the engines only seizes up the bottom ends and im pretty sure all the trans/difs are up for grabs… kneers on moonlawn rd are goin to make a killing for sho, but thats way better than crushing the whole car.

They still qualify if you can find a car that get 10+mpg epa. YOu wont get the 4500 dollars though it will be less.

Dude I dident understand what you just said

but none of those get an EPA Rating of 18MPG or less…

It cant qualify at all it has to go buy the EPA rating not what you think your cars getting

^ That was retarded.

I wouldve thought it was worth more than $4500 on a trade but maybe its not. I see alot of '80’s Vettes for $6-9k and some are at dealers.

I think its hilarious that so many people are buying new foreign cars as a result of this program. Pretty much a total backfire there.

Id also think the government would want people to drive cars with shitty gas mileage because they make a killing on taxes on gas. Shitty mpg= buying more gas= more tax revenue.

Id like to get a job as a repo man soon. Theres gonna be a shitload of these new cars being repo’ed because the people driving old shitboxes they traded in cant make their payments.

i feel like i just watched someone shoot and then rape a baby…

what i dont understand is why these morons with a good running older vehicle trade them in…yes the guzzle gas. but i dont think any old car in the country can guzzle that much fuel to where getting 4000 on a trade and buying a brand new vehicle is going to save money. if you have a payed off reliable car that costs say 100 a week in fuel and gets 13mpg. Well your paying basically 400 a month plus insurance on that car. Well insurance on a newer car will be more plus your payment plus maybe 50 a week in gas. Hmm sounds like its damn near even, or more expensive. Not to mention you just went into debt.

I feel that this cash for clunkers gave the scummers out there with shitty cars who clearly can’t afford a new car, a chance to get a new car and then when reality sets in, they can’t pay for this new car they just got.