Chobalt vs Me

i win. even having to granny shift. muwahahahaha.

PS Thanks for letting me beat you with your nitrous bottle.

:tup: nice kill I thought last time we hung out you said the TA was broken?

Its always broke…that doesn’t stop him from racing it…

lol. good times. i can’t believe you’re still up. wait yes i can :lol:

where are our races patricles?

Very nice win - not a huge fan of the cobalt SS but the turbo version coming out is getting more “beef”

that is the turbo version… lol. its BRAND NEW and its already got a bunch of shit done. and he’s spraying it, lol. its probably one of the faster ones in the country.

:tup: jer and patty

Nice :tup: I want to play :frowning:


QFT. Not only is my transmission sketchy as all hell, but my engine was peeing lots of oil out the breather yesterday. So i rerouted to the intake and sprayed the shit out of it. I’m simply to the point of not giving the slightest shit about my car.

Turbo - I have to convert our runs nobody likes a quicktime video.

we can rematch when i take the stuff animal gecco out of the trunk. :lol:

the new tune > you :lol:

can i have a rematch :frowning:

from a dig. sure :slight_smile: but we only will do 0-100 : stupid 88mill topend cars

thats how we roll.
we dont break shit, we blow shit up.

lol. goooodddddd timeeesss

lol… its always broke… LZ> you.

(hes been on fire lately)

sooo, jer. whats your new cell # this week. Call me tonight… ill be bored.

we can get it on. i wish i woulda known when you were in b-lo. i’m always down you know that. -Pat

willis… you gotta come out for a cruise with us this week. you know what i sayn

when my tranny is fixed i want a wack at this uber cobalt :smiley:

jer hows is that launch control, does it work decent… looked like to still spin a ton :rofl: