Chris Simon??

I think he should be banned from the league

there is a vid of what he did somewhere on the NHL site


hes a scumbag, and this isnt the first time hes done something like this

Is this what that’s all about?

definitely a scumbag. what an embarrassment.

The funny part is that if that one hadn’t happened during a hockey game he would have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

+1 for permaban. I’m a big fan of zero tolerance for pro athletes acting like scum.

The league will slap him with a minor suspension and that will be the end of it.

They aren’t going to get serious until someone is killed on the ice, and I’m afraid that day is coming.

Holy cheap shot. Suspend or boot him for shit like that.
he wasn’t even provoked.

Was there any retaliation fights by the Penguins? Should have been.

I dont think any of them realized exactly what happened, wait till next game.

If he is playing

holy fuck… when is he gonna learn. i agree, at this point they need to just ban him from the league, he’s had MORE than enough chances

I don’t think they should suspend him, but in turn he has to go one on one with Georges Laraque.

if you are gonna step on someone with your skate give them the Malarchuck at least

I think he gets what he got for the cross-check to the face- 25 games.

that should fall under the same thing as what marty mcsorly (sp?) did, when he swung the stick at the guy.

stepping on someone like that, could end thier career, thats going Way past winning/ losing a game.

Thats messing up someones live, and the lives of thier family aswell.

Pretty Low Blow.

What ever happened to fights crashing thru the Boards like the old days?
2 people beating each other’s head’s in is much more called for then this.

More entertaining too.

if he cut my achelies. after i got out of the hospital I would take my ice skate to his balls.

i agree…it just seems that the cheap shots are getting worse and worse with every season…

They’re getting worse because the league refuses to make an example out of one of these morons. You drop the ban hammer on one of them and completely end their career and the next idiot will think twice. If that doesn’t work you slap the organization with a major fine and take away their draft picks in the next year. Then they’ll think twice about keeping cheap shot goons on their team.

Simon has only been off the Ryan Hollwig suspension for two weeks. Ban for life I think is the next step. And at least the remainder of the season but probably not.

EDIT: He actually missed the first 5 games. My bad.

kick this scumbag outta the league.

30 games… just came out