Civic Got Smashed...

Damn man…not cool!

On a side note, did the wife get rid of the 6?

god damn, I read your story and you made it seem like this guys absolutely creamed you. Pics dont look bad at all. Im VERY surprised you were sent to the hospital in an ambulance after that and given meds. I got rear-ended in my old 89 accord to the point where the rear bumper god smashed off and the trunk was half the size as normal… and my gf and I just got out and were fine. Maybe I’m missing something…

does suck about the cops and lack of insurance.

ouch man. this is a shitty situation. hopefully theres no real damage to ur neck. screw the car, ull get another one, as long ur okay

me and “the wife” are no longer together, but i think she still has the 6… she had knee surgery so she cant drive standard for awhile… it sits in a garage.

i watched the guy in my rear view mirror… just kept coming and kept tensing up… seeing him in the mirror is all i remember…

that’ll do it

damn that sucks…hope your alright though :nod

ouch. sorry to hear about the accident. i would sue the shit out of the guy that hit you. i would seriously look into some type of lawsuit man. it is in your best interest now to do so.

get well asap!

^^^Yep. Sue sue sue. 100% that guys fault and 100% illegal for him to be driving the truck…should make for a very easy case. And you could also get the jerkoff cop in trouble for not running his plates and insurance info.