Civic Got Smashed...

So driving up Rt 7 in Brunswick… stopped at a light. Dontcha know some asshole in an SuV takes me out. Rear ends me so hard he pushes me into the vehicle in front of me. Now my neck hurts i dont get out of the car cause i can’t control my breathing… i’m rushed to the hospital via ambulance… 5 hours later and a mild concussion i’m out of a car out of work… and even though i spend 2k on getting my license fixed… The State Bulls show up and write up the accident… and this one is for all you cop loving people out there who thing they are just doing their job… She writes me another AUO even though my boss was in the car and handed her the paper work she says its not in the computer… Boo Hoo… friggin dyke writes me a ticket even though she has seen my paper work mind you… Oh well i have the paper work, i’ll have to waste a night at court cause some awesome cop sees its worth writing the ticket cause she’s “doing her job” well. well today is the day after and i’m sent home with loratab and valium… i’m a train wreck and i hurt. I call this asshole’s insurance to set up a claim so i can get a rental car until my car is fixed… guy’s insurance was cancelled in dec due to non-payment. ??? dont you have to have insurance in NY??? aren’t you supposed to be ticketed and be towed away. Well those beautiful police fuck me again and i had his plate ran and he has no current insurance. Yeah cops do their job… Ha! Hmm 37 year old guy with a 30 thousand dollar truck he must have insurance i wont check it… but i’ll run the tags on the 22 year old who was sent to the hospital… I’m sick of the cops… Fuck um… :headbang

pics of my car will be up later…

wow thats terrible man, hope you feel better, but whats an AUO stand for?

we should seriously be able to sue the state for this kind of shit.

AUO is aggrevated unlicensed operation of a vehicle

That’s awful. I’ve been there before. Not personally, but with my SO. It’s common practice for cops to do that if they can’t verify it with the DMV. Wouldn’t be like that if people didn’t forge releases. We all know how long the DMV takes to update their shit. Anyway, it’s no biggie. Take the ticket and the release to the court during business hours. You don’t even have to wait for the date. Also, if you didn’t know, the moment a person gets a release in their hands or pays a ticket-you can call the DMV, fax over the paperwork you have, and have the suspension removed from your abstract that very same day.

Damn man. I have heard from close friends how fucked up the BRUNSWICK state po and judicial system is in particular. I hope everything gets straightened out for you. I’m sure every 20 year old on this board can sympathize with how your feeling in one way or another. It’s sad when cops see a lowered car they equate it with terrorism. Cops always try and bully me in one form or another especially if i have one of my italian buddies (dark skin mofo) riding along. Since i am as cracker as possible they must see the diversity as suspcicous. On the other hand for one reason or another evey female office i have dealt with has been more than helpful… wierd. The shitty part is WHAT CAN YOU DO? :headbang

damn man that sucks. i’d try to get proof about the guys insurance get the officers name and file a complaint through the department, sadly who know if anything would even happen with that, as for the guy not having insurance i’d sue him and get your money for a new car.

LOL where’d having colored skin come into this :rofl

well cause that awesome police officer never wrote up the ticket for the guy having no insurance i have to wait that much longer cause my insurance has to look into it… even though my aunt called in a favor to have his license and plates ran… and guess what it came up with NO INSURANCE… so now i have to wait for my insurance to figure that out which can take a couple days and then i have to wait for the police report which will take another 2 weeks… i’m straigh up F***ed… Police write the book as they go… they dont do they’re job by the book. Give someone a gun and a badge and they officially become some hardcore badass that can see the real world cause they are so stuck up their own ass…

here are the pics of my smashed civic…

damnnn, that sucks asss dude!

here are the other 3

and my sweet canadian civic… with the sick uber rare rear discs on my coupe… no more…

that blows like my ass is today damn lol srry to hear bout that shit

never mind, I see it.

nope my license is current and up to date… everything all my paper work is current and anything that could have to do with is good. i paid 2k to get everything straight and i shouldnt have to deal with cocky cops writing me tickets for no damn good reason even when i have the paper work

Eh, I am pretty sure the car will be totaled.

that sucks man, my sister had a sweet 94 civic ex with rear disc brakes stock, she also got rear ended by and SUV, on new years eve of all days.

its nad but not that bad. You should have seen my grandprix when i guy stopped from going 55. to a complete stop. i slamed into his hitch… my WHOLE front end was toast. est of 4K to repair. i think steve/sean seen it to verify the damage.

But the cop shit is horse shit. they always have a way “to NOT protect, and to NOT serve you” i hate it.

Damn that blows.