cky pulls it again.

They were fucking friends avatar obviously didnt read the thread to realize that and stated his opinion without knowing what the hell he was talking about.

CKY89 is an outstanding member of society.

Once I saw him walk an old lady across the street…(and then steal her purse and kick her in the taint)
I once saw him help a little girl who dropped her book bag spilling the contents…(he helped her pick up the books and then proceeded to rape her)

If i had a right to an opinion…I would nominate him for NYSpeeder of the year 2008.

im talkin to steve as we speak, hes dropping the seats off to him right now

sounds like steve :lol:

If I sold something to someone months ago and they didn’t pay me, then returned the material I would sure as shit charge them a “restocking” fee.

hahaha x2

Im a friend of steves, I would NEVER give him something with out getting the money, EVER. UGH Im so sick of hearing about this shit. you guys suck. Instead of handling it, I’ll fucking whine for 4 fucking months and then post up on a fourm what a fucking idiot I am and how I someone took advantage of the fact that im and idiot, while i waste more time defending my stupidity…Brilliant

WTF pay him not give him back the seats

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I feel as this has to be rounding thread 10 of tearing in to this kid lmao

haha he wanted me to give him my intercooler and pay me a week later. good thing i never did…that intercooler still happens to be for sale by the way cough cough 150 obo cough cough

95d16turbo - when did you make that sig?

so how come every states that they wouldnt sell someone something without getting money first.

i damn well know some of you would sell something to some one, but would get some sort of indication that you did sell it to him and that they owe you money, so that if they didnt give you money you could have legal documentation showing that he owes money.

With what money

there was no whining for 4 months

Valet, Autozone? There has to be money coming on from somewhere

I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long to hear cky is a good guy muahaha

he also sold the project


thanks for your input gtfo

That would take will power and intelligence, obv thats not going to happen when these fggts trade honda parts.
