Classic Car insurance..where?

yea im trying to find some insurance for my Z its a 72 i dont want regular insurance because im most likley not gunna drive it often .

few questions for anyone that can help, how old does your car have to be to qualify for this

if the appraisal value is lower is the rate lower?

and where can i find it !! in toronto
right now im with Johnston Insurance they dont seem to offer it.

silver wheels i believe is the name

you need to have a G lic for a min of 10 years for silver wheels. the year of the car and appraisal do not affect the price that much, but you do need an appraisal

wow those silver wheels bastards are damn strict , what if i did use my car daily , when i get pulled over do you think id get hasseled?

Any “stock” vehicle over 25 years old with desirable collector characteristics, used strictly for hobby and/or collector car activities.”

" provide insurance coverage for vehicles used for hobby and/or collector car activities, and not used for regular transportation (i.e., shopping, vacation, business and to and from work). "- I want to do shopping in my car.

"Suspensions within the past 10 years. All operators must be fully licensed over 10 years. Note all household driving records are subject to review.
Daily Vehicle Insurance - Every licensed driver must maintain a daily usage vehicle with insurance under his or her own name
. "

My liscence was suspended like 2 or 3 times for unpaid fines like parking tickets and shit.

anybody know any other companies this one is pretty strict.

Just had it done on a 1985 nissan 300zx and only have had G license for 6 years so the 10 year thing doesnt apply but maybe for some insurance companies it might,

only appraisal I needed was for transfer of ownership.

which company are you with turbo crazy and what do you pay for the 300zx