Classified Section Feedback - For People Who've Used It Only


Tell us your experience so far. This may be a bit premature but I would like to get some feedback from you guys. Please, keep it civil. If you haven’t used it, do not post here with speculative negativity. Thanks for your cooperation.

I personally dont mind it. Its a bit of a pain when I wish someone would have more details in their thread. That said maybe some sort of standard form for posting vehicles like.


Would be beneficial.

But I dont mind responding via PM’s as I feel those people are more interested than the casual poster.

I have found myself inclined to say…GLWS or Bump for good seller, but I havent experienced any problem just thinking it instead of typing it out and taking up space.

I think it is a positive step and the nay sayers are just opposed to change and I would suggest they might run for political office in Buffalo if they like to be stuck in the mud.

A wise person once told me if you arent moving forward, then you are going backwards. There is no success in standing still.

I approve this message.

The standard form idea, I like. The problem is, with the limitations of the Vbulletin software, there is no automagic template that gets generated upon starting a new thread in any of the classified sub-forums. This would require some VB work but it’s definitely a good idea.

I have seen it on other boards where it is the Original posters responsibility to copy and paste from a sticky as part of the forum guidelines. If that form is not filled out, the thread is deleted or put in a “graveyard” until the OP updates the form. FYI

I honestly think it sucked. I’m attempting to sell a turbo and the first 2 days of it’s sale every time I refreshed the page I had little D bags PMing me a bajillion questions in each seperate PM before I even responded to the first one.

Major Headache IMO

Then be more specific in the original for sale thread and remove 90% of the obvious questions that way.

The onice should be on the original poster if they want to sell an item. Not the potential buyer.

I understand where your coming from, I realized after I posted it I should have given more info, but now I’m afraid to update it, becuase I don’t want to get banned.

Either way, no matter how much info you provide them with, they will relentlessly bug the fuck out of you about dumb shit.

I think once or twice a week bumping would be much better than once every 2 weeks IMO.

I can appreciate that. But accept responsibility for the things you can control and see where it gets you.

Give it a try and then reevaluate your thoughts.

Will do next time. I understand completely with where you’re coming from and agree 100%

Most people on here will do the same as I, no matter how much anyone tells them what you have told me.:frowning:

You can bump your thread if you add info to it. Bumping with a “bump” is not allowed like crazy. Maybe that isn’t clear in the Announcement thread, I will adjust it.

Well I can imagine that if you are aggrivated with the frequent “dumb” PM’s you will have learned your lesson. And if other posters get frequent “dumb” PM’s then they will hopefully learn a lesson or find another medium for selling things.

OHHH, Awesome!
Thank you for the clarification.

Agreed, and thanks :slight_smile:

Do not be afraid to update your posts, that’s why we gave you that option.

i dislike it thus far, its annoying to have to pm somebody questions… i havent posted anything for sale as of yet, but i’ve done some inquiring, and im not a big fan.

It has its pros and cons

Im selling my mustang and its a pain in the ass to answer a million PMs of noobs or people I dont even know asking me for personal info.

Also I like it when people can vouch for an item or have an easier fix for a broken part or problem.

I was going to reply to MPDs racelogic post about how I like my TC, but I couldnt bla.

Maybe it wasnt that post, wheres the edit button?

I can make you a php form based on the current page that will pre-populate the reply box with suggestions on how to make a proper thread. It would take a little tweaking of a couple of other php pages, but nothing to ridiculous.

As for the new system, I made a B: for borrow thread, and without anyone being able to reply, it got buried really quickly and some people that may have been able to help probably didn’t even see the thread.

i liked it… there was no real change for me i had a WTB and most of the time when you have a WTB people pm you and tell you what they got and for how much so i did not really see a change so :tup: for now

Mike, speak with Howie about it. We (mods) don’t have access to make any kind of board changes that go beyond the scope of VBulletin. Thanks for offering to help.