Classified Section Feedback - For People Who've Used It Only

Someone had a WTB, I had what they wanted. I PM’d them, they said OK, and we proceeded with the meeting arrangements that would have gone over PM anyways.

Granted that was something simple that has no use for anyone vouching for or against the product. (Wii game.) Just my experience…

I’ve used it and have found it much easier so far.

With the way some members were acting, getting OT, it makes things harder to sell, dealing and sorting through all the garbage.

The way I see it, if you’re really intersted in something, how hard is it really to PM the seller, ask questions, ask for contact info, or ask to come look at the item?

This method seems to filter out a lot of the lowballing, broke, not interested, time wasting, tirekickers.[/quote]

I don’t mind the new set up… but without other forum members being able to vouch for one another… it would be awesome if we could get the feedback rating system back, so that way there would be no worries that way…


i think is this way, and its a great idea

I pm’d a seller about three parts, he didnt know all the answers. Though I’m willing to bet that one of the geniuses on here could’ve posted as to what kind of injectors they were; I didn’t want to spend 20 minutes @ work googling them. After 4 rounds of PMs, told him GLWS and moved on.

srsly, not worth the effort when you can generally find stuff on other forums more easily and in the same price ranges.

Of course, if someone was selling beer flavored nipples locally through here, I might have bothered going to a 5th PM. :roll2:

Also Supramania and Supraforums,, and I am sure a host of “large” boards with members from all over the world.

While I understand the “pain” you have endured for that. Could you have easily resolved it by posting a picture in Gen. Auto/Need Help Now and asked…What kind of injectors are these?

I don’t know if there would be “No worries”, but I get your point.
A feedback system would help strengthen buyer/seller vouches.

lol. I wouldn’t call it a pain, I’d call it an inconvenience.

Quite honestly, I found the same injectors FS on my build specific tech forum for ~$30 less. specs posted in response to a similar question. $7 shipping.

Its not that I’m too lazy to make another thread (although it can def be viewed that way), its that I don’t care enough to be bothered with the extra steps.

I’ve done ~30 - 40 transactions through this site in the past couple of years (buying & selling), and the main reasons were always:
Is it a deal, price / condition wise?
Its local, which can be worth $5 - $20 in shipping.
I’d rather support the local sales when I can.

I’ve never bought anything from here because “I need it asap”, so the extra steps become more effort then they are worth.


FWIW; in another recent FS thread: a member posted up a car “part out” along the lines of “PM me with whatever you may need, this has to get out of here ASAP.”

I’m sure there were at least a handful of PMs sent to the seller based on that slim description. I know that I sent one asking ~10 questions (1/2 of which were what model; engine; etc). The sole response was call me with what you need, and I can send you pictures or tell you if I have it.
Now this sort of thing isn’t really an effect of the ‘new’ system, but i imagine that most of these questions could be posted in the thread; the seller could respond once en mass & save time & trouble.

i didn’t call him, because I don’t “need” the parts as there are many easy avenues (scrap yards, local mustang people, 4-5 other forums which I reg. visit, eBay). If his FS thread were more convenient, I prolly would’ve posted offers and gone from there.


That would be too easy :roll:

Great feedback guys, keep it coming!

Being of the people that bitches in FS threads becuase i have no money and cant buy anything, you effectively gave me less stuff to do at work.

Which I guess is a double edged sword. either ill get more work done, or ill just go into other areas more heavily.

And Im not clogging ppls threads with omfg I WANT BUT HAVE NO MONEY

If i have the cash i will take the large amount of effort to pm them.

So, I think its good that you have removed retards like me from clogging stuff up and making me use pms

I was against it first becuase change is ghey, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

And the buyer seller feedback is a needed thing and needs to be seperated so we can see each.


Buyer and seller feedback is coming very soon!! Please be patient. Thanks everyone!

its not so bad…i think some of the interest int he classifieds dropped. I think when selling a big ticket item, such as a car, posts should be allowed. selling a car can rais tons of questions and it would be a PITA for the seller to post the PMs etc…for example…i have my car for sale…and i know TONS of people would vouch for it…and would appreciate if they did…no one is going to PM me and say “i will vouch for you” and have me post it…otherwise i could just pick random names and say they vouch…if that makes any sense.

so, my vote = leave it the same, except trader feedback…that is a must have IMO. and possibly turn the autos section back to the way it was??

^ that is a good idea considering cars have the most questions posed than any other item.

OT, sad to see your selling your stang, its soo hawt and i HAVE NO MONEY! LOL

Why did it disappear to start with? Just curious?

Although I haven’t listed anything for sale, I do feel that a lot of FS- items will go unnoticed without being raised to the top with questions or discussion.

I understand drama is trying to be sqaushed, but it seems counterproductive for a forum which thrives on open discussion.

wordage steve.

I believe it fell out when the vB was upgraded / updated many months ago. But I’m not sure. Have to ask Howie I imagine.

Although I haven’t listed anything for sale, I do feel that a lot of FS- items will go unnoticed without being raised to the top with questions or discussion.

I exclusively use the “New Post” link. At home my firefox tab is set to the “new post” search.

So, yea. :word:

i have not used it b/c of the new format… but will when i read how to…