Classified Section Feedback - For People Who've Used It Only

Not to be harsh but I just PM’d someone for something and it FUCKING SUCKS. I’m sorry to say but its why a lot of people are on here, OT and classifieds, me included. I cant stand it anymore. I know its not the end of the world but it means a lot to me and a lot of my sales have gone down since. I am always coming across weird or just shit people want cheap, and I am cheap when it comes to selling. I think I have a lot of people who can vouch for me on here when it comes to buying form me, I always hook people up with extra shit or a great deal. I love wheeling and dealing spare parts, household shit, etc. this blows. I would even be willing to pay an annual membership to sell with my own stuff with personal classified mod rights. What do you think about that? I am also not saying I want to be a advertiser, I’m just saying 7 out of 10 times I am selling something or buying something.

Shit, I’d pay for an annual membership as well.

Nothing crazy now, just saying I would be willing to throw a few bucks NYSPEEDS way, maybe for renting the server or BBQ’s, who knows.

I know what you mean. Just sayin.

If a feedback rating was involved somehow, it cert. would help the credibility for a lot of sales. Personally, I don’t like having to PM someone back and forth 3-5 times to do a transaction, when it used to take 1, maybe 2.

I like the fact that FS ads are now uncluttered, but with this system, if you log on and click new posts, you rarely/never see the threads (bec. of the new bumping rules). So all in all, so far it’s very average to me. Not terrible, but again, credibility goes a long way…

I’m also a bit in favor of a possible membership cost, if it goes towards things like our BBQ’s, etc. That way, you ARE getting your money back anyways, and it would weed out lame members.

Example: You charge $30 to join NYSpeed. Well, last year, our 2 BBQ’s were like 15 each, right. So, there you go, you’re already paid upfront. Only diff. is that the members that aren’t local obv. wouldn’t be necessarily willing to do that. So maybe it wouldn’t work, in that regard. Either way, I’m just keeping the wheels turning.

Seller feedback would help, but nothing moves a car like 5 or 6 POSTS from knowlegable members saying they vouch for the car and it’s a great price.

it makes browsing the fs ads a lot easier so i dont have to go to page 5 to see something that was posted today because 27 other threads had glws

I have not used the new classifieds, but i can comment on my LACK of using them. I never see the FS posts, and i rarely browse the specific forums. I just hit new posts. This is not out of spite, i just see the traffic going WAYYYYYYYYYYYY down.

I have certainly bought things i wasn’t looking for on NYSPEED before… all these incidental purchases are going to go away.

I mean, if i wasn’t actively looking for a REAL SWORD, but was somewhat interested in learning how to duel, i would never know that NYSPEED could help me on my way…

make sense?

If someone posts a WTB thread for a 240sx dashboard, it is unlikely that i will see it, as i am not actively TRYING to sell it, but i do have one that i would sell. The chatter in the threads keeps these things around…


I recently bought an MP3 player off someone simply because I saw it on the “New Posts” list. I wasn’t actively searcing for it.

Perhaps the new way will be beneficial for buyer’s savings accounts?

The traffic is the same. We are still getting about the same amount of new classifieds posts per week. We just don’t have a bazillion silly responses (and that is why it “seems” that traffic is down). The threads do pop up on new posts, they do not go away. If you click on new posts and don’t read them all before logging out, then obviously they won’t be there the next time. Keep that in mind when you are browsing.

As we get more tools to add features, we will roll them out. Some of the concerns (highlighting new classified ads, trader rating, etc) will be addressed when we get things installed and working on the database. Again, this is an ongoing process, and the current state will not be the end state.

In the meantime, you know where the classifieds section is located. If you are interested in seeing what is available, you will make the effort. There are plenty of people making transactions with the new system in place. Obviously it takes a bit more effort on your part, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Putting more thought into what you post/PM will help buyers and sellers alike.

Post count is not a good measure of traffic. Thread views is more important, obviously.

Again, it’s unlikely that the casual buyer knows what he is looking for… or that he is even looking for anything. It’s easy for a FS post to slip through a single round of “new posts”.

While valid points are being made. The bottom line is that if you are curious what NYSpeed has for sale, you will browse the specific forum. I cannot see changing it back to a free for all because some members here are too lazy to browse a specific forum.

If you want to shop here, that is still an easy thing to do, the only problem I see most people having with it bottom lines at laziness.

I am well aware of how to measure traffic Newman. Thread view is not nearly as important as you make it out to be because thread views were bloated in the past because people that really had no interest in what was for sale were tuning in for “drama”. Now that things are more focused, and drama is at a standstill, the thread views will drop. Your points were noted and we are working on feasible solutions. In the meantime, instead of depending on “new posts”, people should consider taking the extra 10 seconds to click on the classifieds and skim it if you want to see if anything new is posted.

Again, this thread is for people actively using the system to provide feedback. Please keep speculation out. The system will continue to evolve as we get more tools to work with.

I’m reading a book right now about the science of shopping/store layout (which is fucking excellent). Much of the time, shoppers purchase items that they didn’t think that they needed… As such, it’s important that the store be arranged strategically to move goods to where the customer can see them.

NYSPEED is doing the converse of this and the turnover rate of goods will plummet.

What we (newman & i at elast) are saying is that: alot of people here do not search for items. I personally don’t, and I’ve bought through this site many, many times.

The two attempts that I made since the “new” system were because the title caught my eye in the new post search. One attempt was worth $1k to the seller; the other was prolly only worth ~$200.
I only clicked on the threads because the items in the title caught my eye, and i could use them. :gotme:


I’ll be glad to see the updates, if and or when they make it here.

I’m trying to tell you that i am inactively not using the system specifically because of changes that were made. Not because i am trying to prove a point.

In the past 4 days, i have viewed MAYBE 2 classified ads. Formerly, I looked at MANY MANY more that DAILY. I doubt i browse NYSpeed any differently than anyone else.

I am contributing positively to this thread and you are deleting my posts that are ON TOPIC.

I’m reading a book right now about the science of shopping/store layout. Much of the time, shoppers purchase items that they didn’t think that they needed… As such, it’s important that the store be arranged strategically to move goods to where the customer can see them.

NYSPEED is doing the converse of this and the turnover rate of goods will plummet.

If threads are not actively showing up in “NEW POSTS” there are going to be less sales. Period.

And this is the only part of my argument that applies to this thread, so that’s all i am putting in here.

I PMed him about quite a few things (if this is the same FS thread we are thinking of, which I think it is), and a lot of the things I asked about were pretty commonly desired things of that car, so I think for the sake of the seller and others interested, being able to post would have been nice:

Me: hey do you have [insert long list here]
Him: yeah, i have [insert list of stuff here] but sorry xxxxxxx and xxxxxxx I do not have.
Me: ok I’ll take the stuff you do have then. I am PMing you and we’ll set something up.

If someone else looks at this thread, they can see that “well, XXXXXX is gone, so no use in PMing the seller asking” or someone else could post asking about another part, and could receive an answer that everyone could see and such.

Now, this is all in a perfect world, but I think with some heavier moderation and cleaning out the idiot posts and the GLWS and bump posts, the “open posting” method can be very effective and beneficial for the buyer, seller, and potential buyers. I think somewhere a mod suggested that the seller can update the thread quoting PMs containing questions and then supplying answers for other buyers to see, but come on who the hell is actually gonna take the time to do that?

As has been said numerous times before:

  1. this is a message board, not cragslist. if you dont want people replying to your stuff, then dont post is for sale on a message board
  2. there needs to be some sort of seller feedback or open FS forums again to obtain seller feedback.

just my .02

I think i’ll have to take you off of the IL for good… :tup:


I’d have to agree with you on that point as well