Well, my car is in the shop again! 
When I had other parts installed earlier, they informed me of a leaking clutch slave cylinder on the car. It never failed on me, clutch felt okay to me for the most part, but I took it in to be fixed promptly to be safe.
They have tried 3 clutch slaves now, and apparently my clutch is not bleeding and/or building up pressure correctly. They suspected the master cylinder yesterday, and upon replacing it, they still cannot get the clutch pressure to stay up or get it working correctly… :shock:
They haven’t spotted any leaks anywhere either.
Any ideas spring to mind for those who’ve worked a lot with the DOHC clutches? [-o<
The clutch pedal needs to be adjusted. You have to adjust the push rod that conects the pedal to the master.(it is acually part of the master).
Look where the rod goes to the pedal, there is a jam nut on the back side. Loosen the jam nut and turn the rod clock wise(if you you are looking at the pedal). This will extend the rod. If that does not work try to shorten it. Seen this problem before. Let me know if it works for you.
Problem is fixed.
They said it was a line/pipe that was the problem. That’s all they told me…I imagine the line indeed had a leak SOMEwhere. So now I have a new line, master & slave.
Clutch feels nice & stiff now, i’m back to peeling 2nd (and chirping 3rd) again!