ok so i get a new center force stage 1 clutch put in about the begining of november. When is first in it flet good…it needed to be worked in and stuff but i felt the difference right away. Then about one week after the clutch was installed the slave cylinder blew…fluid all over the road. So then i got it fixed…so when i got the car back it imediatly felt different…way softer. So i kept drivin it thinkin it was just how its supposed to be… Then i noticed prolly a week and a half ago that the clutch pedal is not springing all the way up…So i went down to look at the pedal and i saw that there a button or sumthin that would normaly stop the pedal from springing up but it’s not reaching that button…it’s short about and inch and to top that off it feels as though the clutch is engaging kind of high…so yeah i really need some help here…thanks
i just changed my clutch too and it dosent spirng all the way back at once liek it will go up then stop then go all the way back up. u should bleed it, re - adjust ur pedal?
yeah i did bleed it but yeah i think i need a pedal adjustment but i dont know the specs on the amount of play i should have…