Clutch safety switch and certification.

My friend is looking into a 1990 240sx… i noticed when starting the car the clutch safety switch no longer works. this switch would normaly force you to push the clutch in to start the car. i had been at a nissan dealership who said to me “it has the switch, if the switch is not working, it will automaticaly fail safety”… is this true, i’v heard it from many sources.

:ky: … that’s you gettin screwed by the dealer.

i’ve never come across an S13 that required the clutch to start the car, and i seriously doubt anyone would fail to safety a car for this.


I know they will fail it, (atleast they should) but nissan had told me that there was a switch… are you saying there isn’t? anyway to check?

:slap: man, why are you talking to dealerships about certification?

just take the car somewhere else.

No no not taking the car there… i went there to find out if the 240’s came with the switch, they said it did and therefor couldn’t pass safety, as the car was being sold certified.

dude, why are you worrying about some stupid switch (that you’re not sure even exists)? as long as the car starts… who cares?!

the switch is used for the cruise control… I can’t say if the 240 ever came with a working clutch interlock, though

ive got a 89 and a 91 both never had to press the clutch in to start…

US cars had it since at least 1991, maybe since the beginning even.

Canadian cars didn’t get it til 97 or 98 i think? if even then…

Ok well this was semi helpful… although i’m no longer in the market for a 240sx… it’s been replaced with the newly purchased integra!


spd-dmn is right the canadian models did not have at all untill late in the s-14 line up and if i can recall 89-90 usdm cars did not have it there is a page out there somewhere that goes into more detail

Exactly correct.

Both my '95s had no interlock.

My '97 does have it (well it came with it, but is jumped out now).
