Safety/Clutch Safety Switch

OK my car failed safety for not having a clutch safety switch (you can start the car without pushing in the clutch)

From reading apparently s13/180’s/US s13’s do not have this feature.

Now i managed to pull a clutch switch off my s13 parts car

Page 10 shows the clutch interlock circuit… Basically is the interlock relay on a silvia, and where can i find it

Can anyone tell me if there is wiring in place on a 180/silvia because i can’t locate anything similar to what i found on my 240

or just and easy signal to connect in series this switch (normally closed when clutch is not pressed)…

dude i have never seen a s13 that needed to have the clutch pedal pressed to start.

its just how they go. take it to a different place.

oh wow, sounds like they’re just trying to get alittle extra out of you.

Is there a neutral safety on SR’s tranny?

but yeah im thinking im just going to go else where… i just hate the hassle.

dude in any s13 i am like 99% sure you can start the car in any gear and it will roll if your foot is not on the clutch.

only US spec 240sx’s had a clutch interlock switch

canadian ones did not come with one

maybe by the time of kouki s14’s there was one … but no CDN spec s13 has one

If the vehicle was not factory equipped with a neutral safety switch. You by NO means need one for certification.

Almost all Nissan’s and Volkswagen’s did not have neutral safety switches for years.

No, I am not talking through my ass either. Father is a certified tech, I am on my way to being one as well. Safety cars every day.

Safety’s are the most retarded shit ever. Your damn wheel bearing can be SCREAMING, yet, if it has no play…it passes!

^ Thanks!!! definitely good to know that im not forced to equip one

Not a problem. Hate seeing and hearing about shops trying to jew someone into some bullshit.

I am here for all SONlings in any way I can be lmao.

thats bullshit that they are telling you that. did you call the guy out on it??