CNN Story.."Addicted to the rush of street racing"

" I couldn’t imagine going over 100" are you serious?

its all such a joke.

-Hmm… stiffer penalties for “street racing” in some places than DRUNK FUCKING DRIVING? What kills more people again?

-People race on the street because 90% of tracks have been closed from people whining about the fucking noise. What did they think was going to happen when no one had anywhere to go?

-The NHRA and their fucking rulebook are so obviously in the back pocket of the performance part industry its ridiculous. “You cant race here because you havent bought enough shit from our buddies yet!” BLOW ME COCKSUCKER. There are stock cars that DESSIMATE those rules! FUCKING UPDATE THEM FROM 1960.

-Another kicker? They also refuse to accept new technology under some rulebooks. For example, Tilton Clutches are not SFI approved- know why? They arent made of steel. Know the REAL reason? The Clutch Companies approved by SFI bitched so much about not donating to SFI that they wouldnt approve them! No matter the fact that Tilton has been in just about every NASCAR and racing series to date otherwise with NO issues romping everyone else. Its a big fucking game like everything else.

-Dont like it when people scatter when you crash their party? Then stop handing out bullshit tickets to people who did nothing and being a bunch of assholes- they wont run from you!

This would all stop if the towns set aside a nice wide 1 mile long road that no one owns with the appropriate safety measures, and an on site cop/ambulance to keep it under control. Other than that- HAVE AT IT, play at your own risk. At least people wouldnt be endangering everyone else anymore.

There should be citations for endangering others- not for racing itself. If its the middle of the night on a highway, and the road is empty and safe- who gives a shit? Oh… wait… that would go against “speeding”… a huge money maker. I forgot.

i hate people that have no clue wtf they are talking about at all, it drives me nuts

They interviewed a 21 year old who’s been street racing since 1999…