CNN Story.."Addicted to the rush of street racing"

CNN) – Gavin Simcoe hadn’t planned on nearly killing himself. He was just with a couple of buddies that night of September 25. But street racing came up. There was trash talking about whose car was faster.

Rest of the story here:

Link to vid:

just watched that a bit ago

hrmm pretty damned lucky he didn’t kill someone else…

and we all know the thrill of racing at the track isn’t the same as a good pull on the thruway!

Have you ever even been to a track day?

Reeling someone in with turns, braking, apexes, rev matching > floor it in a straight line and see who’s faster.

LOL 1st gear didn’t work so he had to start from a roll, I haven’t heard that excuse yet

Street racing FTW

LOL, “It was a small Honda”
Are there big ones?

Get a faster car

Hah i like the part in the clip…it was a honda…SMALL HONDA, yes a honda civic.

no its not from the movie F&F …ahh i hate that …what did they do with the cars they crushed …the fat 5’s are still good and the other rims look like gt3’s all look good on the cars …and i bet most of the motors are still good :gotme:

…and some ol’ timer says, “honda civics can’t be fast”

That guy is friggen weird…was he really uncomfortable or what?

I wonder what siqqq mods were done to his civic.

i disagree. nothing like being faster than the other guy and watching yourself pull away.

i think both forms are pretty nice as joe makes a great point! but so does the other guy about the turns and such. It all depends on the person and their style of racing.


and “it” depends. Normal “pulls” are gay though. :wink:

I kind of think you missed the sarcasam.

why are they making such a big deal about this now… like street racing just came about when F&F came out…

Street racing has been around for decades. Especially in the 70’s

musta been filtercharged

everything in life is a race like pulling out of avg joes :eekdance:

100mph??!! :ohnoes: omg

haha what?