Cobra or Viper

You love the attention dip shit


Not going to lie- I do. So long as you never try to become a friend of mine, that is… then I may have to move out of the state. Alright, thats all the time I can spare for you, O Lord of All Engines That Explode, now back on topic.


Hey fuck face what are you talking about. As for me slurping your dick because you have a Viper, I wouldn’t hold your breath. You could drive an Enzo and you would still be Dan the asshole. Did you get your 3000gt service manual back yet?

This is to be expected from number 2 cockrider

Bwahahahahaha :kiss: :cry:



How did I know NUMBER 1 cockrider would chime in. I wish I knew where all these motors I built that exploded are?

I am reminded of a phrase from my skiing days: no falls, no balls. I don’t know Mr. JnJ and am certainly not riding his cock. I have no idea if he has ever blown up a motor, or blown up many. Nonetheless, if you aint ever blown up a motor, you aint trying hard enough!

cough C6 Z06 cough


o boy…
everything aside, i say: who gives a shit what others think. do what you want.

thats what i would do…im in love with them…but hes set on something so he will get it. :tup: to what ever choice he makes as long as it makes him happy

Im not making another thread go off topic JnJ just to make fun of you…I just found Dans comment rather funny…and a great response to worthless comments you post in attempts to start fights.


dont worry boys…ill beat up on u in a certain c6 zo6 this year


Buy a 99 RT, SC it with a Roe or Paxton, and put down at LEAST 675 to the wheels at 8 PSI on Pump Gas, no problem, no bullshit, no other mods besides T-Bodies and an exhaust.

Thats what im talkin about :tup: Well in a year or two anyways. Lots of potential to grow obviously if i wanna tinker with the car down the road.

And dont say you are going to leave it stock. If I had a dollar for every time I have heard that AND the person is now modding their car, I would have 3 Vipers.

LoL all i said was it would stay stock “for now”. BTW, thanks for having me and mike stop by, looks like you have a hell of a project in progess. :tup: Will be interesting to see how it all turns out. And thanks for that referral with Bill. I will call him tomorrow and see what he’s got in his inventory and what he can do for trade in for me.

Stick with the Cobra, Mike. If you are like me at all, you are not going to like not being able to play with the Viper as you said you only wanted to add wheels and an exhaust. With the Cobra, you have plenty of tinkering and modding to do. I would be affraid with the viper as I would not want to ruin anything on it. Besides, the Viper will be eaten alive with a lot of the stuff the Cobra wouldn’t on the street.

I kind of agree with you but heres the thing. If i get the car its a 120 trap car right off the bat, thats fine for the time being. I would be more concerned in getting the rims n stuff like i mentioned. But who’s to say i can’t mod it down the road. After seeing how painfully easy it is to pull a motor out of a viper i could def see myself doing some upgrades for a blower down the road. But besides that, I really am starting to care less about how fast the car is, and more about how much fun im having driving. Dont get me wrong i still want it to be fast, but its definately a couple of notches down on the priority list. :wink:

Got your name written all over it!


If that is the case then I say definitely go with the Viper. It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself to anyway and will probably end up doing it regardless. I can’t wait to see that thing with a blower, some headers and the :tspry: :eek: :headbang:

Yeah what it comes down to is I have been a Ford guy all my life, and I feel guilty for “giving up” on the cobra. But if i were to keep it and finish it, i know over time i would just get to the same point I am at now in wanting a viper. But it would be fun to charge the viper down the road and see how quick she goes :slight_smile: I might even take you for a ride if you can make it worth my while :naughty: :gay:

Touche’ If my GSX ever gets finished, I will do the same… I won’t require the naughty treatment either. Kingsario keeps me filled…er satisfied… :gay3: