its probably not a good idea but i’ve been drinking a code red everyday b4 i lift. Its getting me those extra reps i couldn’t do last week.
ur lifting!!LMAO
Try energy pills. Anything with carbonation and sugar is not going to help as much. I suggest the new ripped fuel or Xenadrine NRG. I have been taking 2 ripped fuel pills before I work out and it has helped me make some slight gains.
Im a classic dew ha drinker, some days i switch it up with RedBull. Keeps me going after a long boring day at work!
tak lots of calcium and magnesium
caffene is noooooooo good for the body!!! it kills cartlidge (sp) and tissues and shit like that!!! it is noo good for teh body!!! plus when ur done lifting…eat soemthing that is good for you and has a lot of protein in it!! like tuna!!!
so you lifting so you dont have to stand behind your boys? also i guess kurt should hide now
All varieties of Mountain Dew contain Brominated Vegetable Oil, which is highly unhealthy and even banned in most developed nations.
Brominated Vegetable Oil convinces your body that you should start storing fat in your organs.
VERY scary shit.
then do mroe situps and fuckin shoulder presses and quit being a little hoe ass bitch …its not so bad in the end to not be a pussy the rest of your life hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
yea its bad for you but sooo good at the same time so fuck it. We all gonna die at some point , if my organs dont like me then tehy say fuck you and I die. THE END
yeah…because working out sweats all the bromine out of your system… :rolleyes:
there’s a reason why most countries have outlawed it.
also cutty take potassium or a good nutrirional supplement with the protein shake :bigok:
hey i never knocked you for going on a diet!!!
Where’s TwoForty when a discussion like this comes up?
Oh yeah, he’s :ban:
Tell em’ Cutty, not small, ripped!
i would imagine after a week of lifting it would be that which is allowing the extre reps not the drink
its pretty obvious you know nothing about the topic. Its doen’t happen overnight or in a week.
I just started back at the gym last month and noticed a difference after a week. :dunno:
the reps that killed me the first week were getting banged out the 2nd week
You want reps to go up and to put more plates on…then lift hard 5 days/week. While doing so, try some high intensity things such as strips or drop sets.
when i was in highschool i decided to lift, i did this for a year every day after gym class i saw 0 improvemnt in my build. i could physically lift more but i never gained any mass. to me looking better was all that mattered not that i could physically lift more. and yes, after 1 week you will start to be able to add reps ot what you’re doing. you dont’ know what i did in my past so don’t pass judgement because of what i look like now. i tried it again in college for a semester 3 days a week for my freshman year (worked out with a couple guys too so i wasn’t just on my own) i’m not the body type to gain mass and never was.
maybe HES the one not doing them right :dunno: i saw the same thing