Colonie is Steppin it up

I guess being around law enforcement my whole ife I don’t know a fucking thing about what goes on…

Especialy considering that I was very close to goign into the academy at one point…

I’m not saying these things are not used for revenue purposes… You guys just seem to make it look like the only reasons any of the laws were put into place was a bunch of guys in a room saing hey if we do this will it bring us money. Theres a reason for any law and why it was put there.

99% of the people that bitch and moan about these little thigns are the people that know they have things done to their cars that do not comply with the laws of this state, or any other state for that matter and when they get ticketed, think the cops have a personal vendetta against them, and the law is there for ntohing more but making money.

If you know something doesnt comply with the law, either don’t do it or bite the bullet and bitch and moan about hwo you bent yourself over and fucked yourself in the ass.

Cops right tickets, its part of their jobs. If theyre not enforcing the law or writeing tickets theyre not doign their job.

If your getting hassled all the time theres a reason for it… regardless of how small and stupid you think it may be…