Colonie is Steppin it up

Idk whenever I get pulled over, which is rare, but when it happens (unless it’s something that was obviously stupid, i.e. 60 in a 30 and illegal speed contest) they are usually polite if I come across as polite in which I always respect the officer and act normal. If you’ve got the slightest attitude, they’re going to be like fuck you pal.
Also, if you get pulled over doing something stupid, expect to get your car looked over for everything else…(exhaust, tint, front plate, etc.).

Like I siad in my other post I know this i was just sating they are the exception, i never said theyre wasnt a reason… again my father was a cop for 22 years, i personaly know… as in i’ve grown up with them, other cops that have been on longer than my father that have told me the truth about a lot of shit… and givin me explinations as to why cops do certain things… Maybe because you personaly don’t know a cop whos been on the force for a long time you feel that every cop is out to get you for somethign as stupid as tint…

As I said, I never said they dident like it to generate revenue… but they have those checks for a reason… its not just to generate revenue, inspection/registration is done for a reason and thats what the checks are primarly for, not some quota in money they have to meet…

As far as the “end of the month quota”

  1. Quotas are illegal… not saying that means they dont exist…
  2. Cops are not told how many tickets they need to hand out… they would like you to issue tickets when warrented and show you are doing your job… but they are not given quotas that they must abide by…

Again… I know cops personaly, have my whole life comes with the territory of having family members in law enforcement… Belive me, I bitch and moan when a cop busts my balls abotu soemthing stupid… Again, I have never had a cop just stop me just for my tint…which is illegal, nor my open exhaust… The only time i’ve gotten my balls busted for those thigns was when I was Speeding or doing something else illegal… or my inspection was up

This is basically admitting to corruption. They will enforce the law whenever they choose.

Keep repeating this because it’s not getting through. :slight_smile:

If it is, then why aren’t all windows enforced?

You need a reality check if you don’t think it’s nearly 100% done for revenue.

Where’s your reply to the “parking on the pavement”?

A quota doesn’t need to be implicit. Performance is measured somehow and I guarantee you there is stats to support this.

It just seems that they seem to enforce more strictly in times of town/state economic hardships

okay… yeah it sucks that theyre cracking down… But they really are doing their jobs. Im sure money is behind it to an extent yes but there are other real reasons these laws exist as well. tint DOES restrict your visibility at night. It also does make it harder for the officer to see what you are doing not only when he/she walks up to your window… but also when you are pulling over… as ay kind of frantic movement they see through your rear windows gives them reason and right to search your vehicle. A lot of “serious crimes” are discovered through traffic stops. A simple thing like a brake light out or exceeding the speed limit can quickly become a passenger who is wanted, a load of cocaine in the trunk, an abducted child or woman, a cache of illegal weapons, or a murder suspect. routine traffic stops become something more serious a LOT. I was even pulled over for racing some guy in a volkswagen and forgetting i had my rifle in my trunk i quickly remembered when i came to a stop. I was honest and cooperative with the officer and announced to him with my hands up i had a weapon in the car. It was stored in my trunk compliant with the laws away from any ammo and i had my papers for the AK47 as well. They held my friend and I and about 6 or more colonie cruisers were quickly there. They took my guns for the night but because i was honest respectful and cooperative they told me to come back in the morning to pick up my guns and even the cop who was being the complete dickhead cooled off and took it easy on me. Considering i probably should have had speed contest and reckless endangerment and my license taken for going 80+ down rt9 (yes dumbass move) he had a pretty understanding look on his face when i said i was worried it might effect my getting into school since they look into driving history. Theyre human and they have a job to do just like any of us. There are laws they can abuse just to give tickets but they most likely have a purpose as well most of the time public or officer safety is a concern. I’ll probably get nailed for my exhaust so Im not sticking up for cops because they have my back. But we all have bad days and can act like complete dicks to our customers. Oh and saying “how come they hold us to those laws and not themselves?” is kind of a bad way of thinking about it. Im not trying to insult anybody but thats kind of the same as saying “well how come they get to wear body armor and weapons in public and use them if needed and we cant?” Whether people think of cops as fat dunkin donuts patrons with nothing better to do than hand out tickets or not, the reality is they are an armed agency. They are equipped and armed (whether it be their possession of otherwise illegal or mil spec weapons, or their tinted windows and not wearing seatbelts) to respond to a reasonable security issue and any threat to the public. They can tint their windows to hide the fact that theyre an officer to make it more likely they catch people in a criminal act. They dont have to wear seatbelts because its likely in a chase or firefight they would have to evacuate their vehicles quickly (cruisers are anything but bulletproof) and they can use cell phones or any means of communication necessary because just like any military operation, having better communication abilities than your enemies is more vital than having more firepower. Yes cops can be dicks. But theyre doing their job and laws do have a reason for existing. And most of this cracking down is probably due to the fact that people have been acting like dipshits in the lower lot. Ive deff noticed an increase of police activity. First no cops , then cops would chase people off, now theyre actually giving tickets out there. Oh well… I just hope it cools down soon. Ok thats all my 2 cents. now im broke.

Anytime I’ve seen a parking on pavement ticket its due to someone in a handicap spot or someone who had a more “serious” violation knocked down…

Whats there to say about it? If you were in a handicap or did something stupid and the judge redueced it to a parkign on pavement consider yourself lucky all you have to pay is a fine

And your the one who needs a reliaty check if you think those checkpoints are for nothing but money…

Maybe lately a little more they are giving out tickets left and right…

but again can’t tell you how many times I or someone else ive know has one thru those checkpoints with loud exhausts tint or anything else of that nautre and dident get stopped…

Hmm lets see if someone inspection is up why shouldent they ceck for that shit? Do you have any idea how many cars are out tere that are not inspected or have fake inspection stickers that pose a hazzard to themselves and other drivers?

Do you know how many people operate vehicles illegaly without proper reg and insurance?

Id so those are good reasons for checkpoints

Laugh. Are you fucking serious? :crazy

You couldn’t buy a clue right now. Seriously, you are in left field.

Again, parking on the pavement is used to generate more money for the court. Period.

The reality is that they enforce whenever they chooe. That is wrong. Period.

Also, I won’t even address that 234094092340924094329042 word run-on a few posts above. That’s Vlad style. :ahh

i have had the same experiances ,most of the time as long as your cool they are

For the most part, for me anyhow, state police/sheriffs have been the nicest. Even when receiving a ticket (and getting let go), they have been very professional. Typically, the local cops are the scumbag pricks which is a shame given they are a public servant. Not even that, just common courtesy.

I guess being around law enforcement my whole ife I don’t know a fucking thing about what goes on…

Especialy considering that I was very close to goign into the academy at one point…

I’m not saying these things are not used for revenue purposes… You guys just seem to make it look like the only reasons any of the laws were put into place was a bunch of guys in a room saing hey if we do this will it bring us money. Theres a reason for any law and why it was put there.

99% of the people that bitch and moan about these little thigns are the people that know they have things done to their cars that do not comply with the laws of this state, or any other state for that matter and when they get ticketed, think the cops have a personal vendetta against them, and the law is there for ntohing more but making money.

If you know something doesnt comply with the law, either don’t do it or bite the bullet and bitch and moan about hwo you bent yourself over and fucked yourself in the ass.

Cops right tickets, its part of their jobs. If theyre not enforcing the law or writeing tickets theyre not doign their job.

If your getting hassled all the time theres a reason for it… regardless of how small and stupid you think it may be…

It’s not about them not doing their job… it’s what they are doing at the job. There certainly are bigger problems out there than writing window and exhaust tickets. Unfortunately “big things” don’t happen all the time, so they resort to bullshit tickets to make up for the lost time when they would normally be sitting on the side of the road running plates as cars go by and generally doing absolutely nothing productive.

exactly,esp colinie

Your post regarding “parking on the pavement” makes it seem so.

So what? I have been about a foot away from Derek Jeter at Yankee Stadium. Does that make me eligible to play in MLB?

There’s a difference between law creation and enforcement. We are talking the latter. In this case, yes again, the purpose for these traffic cops is to generate revenue. I am not sure how else to explain this but we can agree to disagree.

That doesn’t make them wrong. Also, where did you come up with 99%? Someone in the family?

That’s not the point but OK.

Again, that’s not the point. Who cares? We all know it’s their job to enforce the law. It’s their justification for doing it (ie I see a black guy or a young kid driving an import) that makes it wrong.

That’s one reason why I love NYC. You think I worry about a tint ticket? LOLZ.

Colonie are perhaps the biggest offenders I have ever met. At least Schenectady will beat the shit out of you and you feel like you got something out of the deal. :slight_smile:

think about how many scums cop,s deal wit on a daily basis !!! would you like that job ,as we all know i have been arrested numerous times and ya know what its always been my fault …we get caught how can ya be pissed when ya did it yourself .or if not then before that certain instance .whenever i get pulled over “even though it sucks” i accept it as for all the shit i got away wit

LOL yeah right. Even on Long Island, you can be driving 80mph in a 65mph with the rest of the traffic down there with blacked out windows and they won’t do a damn thing. Up here CPD gets a boner from that kind of stuff because they really do not have anything better to do.

That’s what they sign up for. That’s like some kid who signs up for the Army and is pissed when they send his ass over to Iraq. :ponder

Let’s switch this up. What about the person who works customer service and gets treated like snot by various customers all day long. Do they have an excuse to be rude to the next caller?

Yes. I get passed on the parkway doing 70 in a 40 daily on my way to the office. Cops will pull over the person that is speeding “faster” than the other cars.