Colonie is Steppin it up

yeah i dont need you oto explain it to me. ive been there a handful of times, i know how florida is

again, if you werent breaking a law, you have nothing to worry about. its called compliance. yes it sucks. but if you dont want to be hassled dont give them a reason.

Being a Colonie Police Officer isn’t a bad gig if you ask me. I don’t care what criticism may come with it because in reality it’s mostly young people who get upset for getting stupid tickets for doing stupid things.

I have many reasons for having tint. One is that black leather seats in the direct sunlight get hot fast, and fade over time. Tint helps with that a LOT. It also helps with the weak AC system my car has. I have anxiety, so I like to have a little privacy when sitting in traffic rather than having some child molester staring me down while I am waiting for the light to turn green. I could go on and on about it.

I’ve gotten pulled over once for tint back when I first got it done. Cop stopped me on Siena campus actually. I rolled my windows down, threw my keys on the dashboard, and placed both hands on the wheel where they could be seen. Cop came up, took my information, and came back and didn’t issue a ticket. He just informed me that it was illegal and that’s why I was stopped.

I got robbed 2x by a *** with a knife in Colonie…at Raindancer Carwash while I used to work there. Ya want to know what the cops did? They yelled at me for about an hour, tore apart my car with complete disreguard for my personal belongings, apparantly looking for the stolen money :rofl OH this was all after I gave them a vivid description of the guy who robbed the store, they killed an hour bitching at me for god knows what, they could have probably found him but instead they would rather harass a kid. Colonie cops for the most part are dumb assholes, the guy who gave me this ticket was actually a pretty nice guy though :haha

ohh I’m sooo sorry how will you ever forgive me? :shifty

I hate to say this, but it helps to be good friends with someone who is rather high up in that police department. I remember back when I first got my license, got pulled over at 2am… the guy wrote me up for avoiding a traffic control device because I drove down a side street instead of waiting at the light. I told him that he couldn’t do that and he goes “Yes I can. It’s my word against yours, and guess who will win.” I just smiled and said “you know what, you’re right.” It was some rookie colonie cop. I had a word with the individual I know rather well in the PD, and we all discussed with this officer about the ticket he wrote. He admitted that he wrote it for what he did and it wasn’t right, and it got thrown away. What an idiot that guy was.:Idiots

Why was I never pulled over for all the shit you guys complain about? I had modified cars and I was never hassled by the cops about it.

Because you’re probably not a stunter

I was just unlucky and drove past their little blockade on the way to the dentist’s office. And before this turns into an ftp thread (as if it allready hasnt) this thread wasnt to bash the police or bitch it was just to let you guys know that Colonie is really steppin up patrol.

haha apparently not

Again, this all just goes back to what has been said over and over. Don’t put it on your car unless your willing to face the consequences and if you are going to put it on your car, don’t drive like a maniac and draw attention to yourself.

I know that I could get a ticket at all times, usually they wont bother you unless you’re speeding and I wasnt speeding so it suprised me.

Someone delete this thread.

Fuck tha police
Comin straight from the underground
Young ***** got it bad cuz I’m brown
And not the other color so police think
They have the authority to kill a minority

I agree, but it still doesn’t change the fact that many of the tickets they hand out are for revenue purposes only and having nothing to do with safety, etc.

I don’t give them a reason to pull me over and I’ve only been pulled over twice in the last 5 (almost 6) years.

we are in a recession, in a state that cant pass its budget, in a broke town(colonie), revenue will be collected by any means necessary, everyone knows that. so again, dont stand out. its easy. ive only been ticketed once in the last 8 years in NYS. and it was from doing something very much illegal. now in WA state, i was ticketed probably 10 times in 5 years for speeding. because cops are sneaky and the roads are windy. oh well. pay the fine and move on.

basically what I’m doing.

thats complete and total BULLSHIT. I have been very polite and respectful to every officer that has ever pulled me over. YET I ALWAYS get a ticket. I mean EVERY FUCKING TIME i get pulled over it costs me at least 100. I generally dont speed, I dont do/have drugs, none of my cars have tint. It frustrates the hell out of me.