Colonie is Steppin it up

never said they dident do it to generate revenue…

but the fact is, they are there for more than just revenue… but yes it does generate revenue and they like that…

you just make it sound like when you have an expired registration, or when your inspection is up that theres no purpose for a cop giving you a ticket other than for revenue

Again, this is bullshit. They do it all the time. Same with mufflers or whatever way they can easily generate revenue.

See above.

Again, if this was true then why are the traffic spots typically a spot check for inspection/registration? You going to keep dodging this?

That’s basically what I am saying. The majority of the reason is revenue. You can cite any source such as your neighbor’s buddy who’s a cop in some small ass town but I think a stronger argument is to consider the “target dates” that seem to occur near the end of the month and the current gov’ts financial state.

More evidence? Why do you think “parking on the pavement” is so widely given out? It’s the money that is given to the court rather than a lower payment plus points. The points violation would have a greater influence on people driving slower due to the increase in insurance cost. But, the court doesn’t get that money.


oh im not arguing against that, im just saying you modify your car and then you bitch and moan when the cops give you shit about it. dont give them a reason or dont bitch.

i agree, exatcly why i always have a front plate, quite exhaust and would never pay to tint a car in my life

Too many sheep on this forum. I think the tint argument is that it shouldn’t be illegal and that it’s only done to make some money.

EDIT: KKK say what?

let me see something here. what YOUR reason to have tint on YOUR car, guys/girls?
mine is because i commute daily to work and i drive south in the morning, so the sun is low and in my windows and then when i go back home its on my left again. its in my eyes constantly. i also opted for tint with uv block to help keep my black interior cooler and help it from fading out and drying out in the sun because this is a daily car, even though it’s garage kept.

I believe that the tint is for the officers protection, and if it brings in revenue for the state as well, well thats a win win. Im looking to become an officer eventually, and if i had a car pulled over at 2am and couldnt see shit , id be very weary/nervous.

Where did I bitch and moan?

Theres a reason for every single one of the things you just said… do some research bud

Yea i posted them, read the thread.

I dont think taxi drivers have to wear seatbelts either, or limo drivers. Something about them needing to get out of the vehicle quickly…cuz you cant click the button as youre coming to a stop :rofl

I work for the DMV Inventory (where all the license plates, registrations, inspection stickers, forms etc… are kept and shipped out from) and I kinda wanna bring it up to my boss how much money the state could save by charging the same amount of money for getting new plates but only issuing one plate. She might even try to push it forward because plates take up a ton of room in the warehouse and space is tight so if we could ditch half of them it would free up room. But the only thing is I have no research/evidence to see if the money saved from only making half the # of plates would be greater than the money generated from no front plate tickets.

i got a simple solution.
Dont do things that make cops notice you. Bright aftermarket HID’s, loud exhaust, black windows, booming stereo, etc. If you do that to a car prepare for a ticket here and there. if you cant handle the consequences, drive a Beige Camry and you have nothing to worry about. I have a modified exhaust, never been stopped for it, my car is not stock, but doesnt stand out, i use a front plate and everything is legit on my car. If you act a fool, youll get treated as such. its not a hard concept to grasp. its not a Cops fault you dont like front plates or you want 5% tint.

15-20% tint actually, and like I said 9 months of the year my car is perfectly legal. I’m not taking the tints off they are there for a reason, because a black on black car heats up like a mf’er and the tint actually helps out alot. I didnt get a ticket for the front plate.

from the horses mouth : florida tint laws.

Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed along the top of the windshield above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line.
Front Side Windows: Must allow more than 28% of light in.
Back Side Windows: Must allow more than 15% of light in.
Rear Window : Must allow more than 15% of light in.

and im aware black on black gets hot. ive been in florida in the ballheat of summer with my GTI, the only time i used my AC in it.

oh apparantly my front tints are illegal in florida :rofl Cops dont even look at tint down there, most cars come with 15-20% tint from the stealership. The rest either have shitty lookin purple tint with bubbles in it, or 5% so you cant see shit inside it reguardless of what time of day it is. During the day you can still see inside my car just fine, at night might be a different story though :lol

Anyone who refers to a traffic cop as a hero needs a reality check, and then some…

Theres nothing heroic about being a Colonie Police Officer IMO. The area is just not a place that has a high crime rate. So, to generate money, they have to nitpick through the rulebooks to find the most asinine laws that a majority of people do in fact break on a daily basis, and then issue tickets based on those laws to generate revenue. It’s sad but that is the truth a vast majority of the time.

Good post.