Colonie is Steppin it up

ya got a point ill agree …but see my point in the latter part of my post at least

Correct. I’ve been told by a few family friends that are Troopers/CPD/ACDS and they say if you are with a bunch of traffic moving at a certain pace, they won’t bother. But if you’re the person doing 80-85 while everyone else is doing 70-75 on the highway, you’re getting nabbed.

I was nice to the guy which might be why he only gave me one ticket but who knows. I always act nice and 99% of the time they are dickheads, despite that I think its a little bs this was actually the nicest officer I have ever dealt with. Since he didnt use a meter I’m gonna plead not guilty to the tint, if it doesnt make a difference whether or not they used the meter I’m just gonna pay the fine and deal with it, I forget what the price of a window tint ticket is anyways :rofl tax dollars at work here :haha

look at ya ,im suprised he didnt serch ya fuckin hippie burnout:lol

And I will agree colonie cops do shit that isnt right… and im not just talkig about traffic violations… \

Colonie will do anything to generate revenue… not just talkign about cops…

ricer exscuse:lol

:rofl im a broke hippie so there was nothin :lol

Yes, they use it when tickets arer being reduced. They “reduce” most tickets to parking on the pavement for a reason. The reason is money. Yes, you almost became a cop or a glorified cashier. Congrats.

Well, I know parking on the pavement isn’t used for parking in a handicap because I got a ticket for parking in a handicap and it is a completely different ticket…and it’s 130 fucking dollhairs.

So whats to complain about… Hmm I was speeding… Would I rather pay a fine get points and have a record…

Or pay a fine…

If the ticket goes to court, unless there proof you werent doing anything wrong… consider a parking on pavement a blessing

I have seen cops hand out parkign on pavement when people are parked in hadnicap spots before

it says somthing along the lines of “as confirmed with superior officer” for the tint. Maybe I’ll get lucky and it will get thrown out and I’ll save a few $$.

A few complaints:

  1. The ADA/Cop should NEVER determine the outcome
  2. The outcome shouldn’t be determined what’s the best interest in the court: money

But, that’s not even the point. Again, it shouldn’t be money motivated. It shouldn’t be at the determination of the local gov’t because they are having financial problems.

I guess you were really going to be a cop. That’s the wrong mentality.

Unless you pull the tint off it wont get thrown out…

I would say if you knew it was within legal limits to take it to court and then have them meter it then…

but we both know its not :rofl

That’s incorrect. I am proof that it can get thrown out.

Why should he have to? The cop cannot accurately prove that at the time of the ticket that it was illegal. The court should not waste tax payers money because the cop didn’t do his job.

clearly lol :rofl its basically their word against mine but who knows maybe I’ll get lucky. I’m not drivin my car to their courthouse haha. :rofl

Smart man. I would say that the cop didn’t use an instrument to test if the tint was illegal. Therefore, he cannot prove you are guilty of anything. Technically, you don’t know because you didn’t test the tint yourself (I am assuming).

No cant say I’ve ever tested my own tint :lol but I was just gona tell the judge that he did not use the instrument that they are given and supposed to use on windows and hopefully I will get lucky!!

Don’t wait for the judge. I would be calling traffic court and talking to him right now and asking for it to be dismissed. I’ve had tickets handled outside of the court as they realized it’s a waste of time and/or would save them money.

Oh? I’ll give them a call tomoro. I just gotta get the ticket out of my car, I’ve been keeping it in my center console so if I get pulled over again for tint I can just show the officer I allready got it covered! :lmao

It’s $180 with court fees.