***Come play GTR2 ***

Playing with no aids is definitely faster with some cars, my obvious favorite being the GT3RSR’s.

The interesting thing I discovered is that if you take away things like traction control and stability/abs etc., the ‘ringers’, (i.e. certain near-800 rwtq Saleen’s) suddenly become alot slower and alot scarier to drive :lol:

HAHAHA went in to the “aids” server tonight (that’s funny, considering they are all off). But decided to give it a try again anyway, nope, still same shit different day. I’ve ice raced a 350z on a frozen lake and it was more controllable than a 93 degree day with super softs, yeah, that’s fucking realistic.

Odd I thought I had them on, I was just about to join before you left. I’ll look into that right now. I might need to bump it down to a lower realism setting.

EDIT: They were on, I just double-checked that. I’m trying in game now once it starts back up. Some aids can’t be enabled in simulation mode but ABS/TCS are.

Neither were. Phil @ Innovative can confirm this.

Odd I’ll load it up maybe it’s some bug with the dedicated server settings menu.

I was playing and they were definitely off. Suzuka was near impossible. Are we talking about the same server? I only saw one.

Okay I bumped it down to novice mode, all aids on.

I got the tracks and teams today

I think semi-pro would do it for most people.

+1 with low abs and low traction control.

If no one objects to it by tonight I’ll move it up to semi-pro.

Playing tonight on the full-sim server…

Should be there.

Hopping on

LNLT proudly presents in virtual flipbook format, the movie short:

Sim Server Shenanigans at Sebring! or… Those Wings Really Work!


Neurokinetik in the Evil Morgan Aero 8

Rx3 in the Viper Competition Coupe


Click here for full sized film clips

Critic’s comments:

Man, that’s some ol’ BULLSHIT!! :smiley: Where’s da’ po-po at when you need them?! They give you a ticket for 5 mph over, but run a brotha off the road and they’re nowhere to be found?

In the hood, we call this “livin’ foul”, A.K.A. “ridin’ dirty”. :bump:



I believe I can fly… I believe I can touch the sky…

Next weeks episode: Beached on a Berm at Suzuka or… F@$@#%#$ AGAIN!!!


I still can’t stop laughing at the shot with the Morgan from the front with you way up in the air… :rofl:

Besides, you can’t complain too much, I stopped and waited for you to take off again (laughing too hard to drive anyway) and let you get back up to speed before you threw the race away without my help… :wink:

Oh, and just for the record, I had nothing to do with the high-center on Suzuka, although just a lap earlier, there was a different BMW in the exact same spot. Lesson learned: don’t go wide coming out of the spoon curve, and/or raise your ride height for Suzuka. :smiley:

I’m going to change my profile name to Super Dave, or maybe The Fall Guy because I feel more like a (virtual) stuntman than a race car driver :slight_smile:

:lol: I’ll be in tonight.

Finally, a patch is being released for GTR2.


• Fixed performance hit in Changeable Weather
• Fixed missing race groove in driving school
• Fixed car number missing from results export
• Fixed inconsistency with “Pit Exit Arrow” UI option
• Fixed inconsistency with “Mirrors” UI option - Mirrors are now on in game when UI shows on
• Fixed Custom Championship “European 360 Champions Cup” incorrect reference to “Dubai North”
• Fixed Custom Championships with F575s that contained duplicate drivers
• Improved car balance in custom Championship “Super Endurance Drivers Championship”
• Improved statistics tracking in Player Profile
• Allow manual pit control in Novice mode
• Fixed bug where some cars would not visibly show repaired body damage after pitstops
• Fixed bug where corner markers would no longer show after first car crossed the finish line
• Fixed bug where track award video was shown when no track was awarded
• Fixed bug where Wrong time indicator and position were displayed during some Driving lessons
• Added option to skip award videos
• Enabled “+auto” command line option on the dedicated server
• Fixed bug where “Show All” drivers lobby option was not working on first entry to Lobby
• Fixed bug where the Fuel and Tyre wear labels were inverted on the dedicated server
• Fixed bug where “-1/16 players” was sometimes shown on the in-game server UI
• Fixed bug where the Lobby lists would sometimes overflow the display areas

Track Specific
• Valencia

  • Corrected an issue where the Pole position was on the wrong side of the track
  • Fixed a bug where some terrain areas caused cars to flip
  • Fixed a bug where the tirewalls graphics were corrupted by headlights
    • Magny Cours
  • Fixed low-res textures on some boards
  • Fixed a bug where the track would cause a CTD on some hardware
    • Spa Francorchamps
  • Corrected a graphical issue on one of the curbs
    • Zuhai
  • Corrected an issue where laps weren’t registered by cars performing pit stops.

Car Specific
• Murcielago

  • Corrected a graphical issue on the right rear wheelarch
    • Ferrari JMB 575
  • Fixed a bug where the steering wheel was not disabled when the option for visible steeringwheel is unchecked

God does GTR2’s website suck. I can’t find shit on there. No mention of a patch at all in the support or download section.

I don’t understand how the GTR website can be so easy to navigate/find things and the GTR2 side is just useless. :meh:

I hope RSC puts a direct link to the patch when it is available.