***Come play GTR2 ***

Odd that they even announced it before they plan to release it (supposedly in 2 days)

But it does show up on the GTR2 site:


Have you guys been playing lately? still around 11? My Semester is finally over, I was on last night but didn’t see anybody

I wasn’t on, had stuff to do and I probably won’t be on for most of the holidays. Neuro and the other guys will still be playing though, and the server will be up. Sometimes you need to just hang out for a few, sometimes people get there early or late. I remember a few after midnight starts recently.

I was on later, just long enough to be the only one to vote “advance to next event” when I saw that it was on Nurburgring. Drove about three laps of Adria, lost interest and started messing with rFactor again. Plus this week I’ve been trying to get a bunch of DVDs compiled and burned, which ties up the gaming machine. I’ve got one more to burn tonight, then I’ll probably be on. Probably around 12-1am.

Tried a new track last night: Adelaide. Very tough city street course. Made even harder by the fact that the author put video screens showing scantily-clad women shaking ass and titties at places where you really need to be watching the road. I never did successfully complete a lap. :lolham: Aside from those video screens, the track is REALLY well done and polished. Kind of reminds me of a combination of the NYC and Tokyo courses in GT4.

I think we should ditch Long Beach in our lineup, too, as there is something seriously wrong about that layout. There is no way a lap time should be ~1:08.00 there, driving the M3 GTR. Plus the place looks very unfinished and ugly.

I can do that. Give me the link for Adelaide and I’ll throw it on the server before I’m out of pocket.

Also today is supposed to be the day the patch is released. It’s 4am and I haven’t seen it :slight_smile:

EDIT: Found Adelaide link. version 1.0 I assume?

Yep. Version 1.0 is the only version for Adelaide. Available at www.no-grip.net

Actually, as of right now, the 1.1 patch for GTR2 is also at no-grip…

Ok, I’ll have the server updated before tomorrow

Full Sim Server updated to v. 1.1 . Adelaide tracks available (24 hr version, and Clipse 500 version).

Give them a run tonight, let me know if there are any problems. Also added a few cars like this pretty “pig” :slight_smile:

So im down for some of this. want to try my new Gforce 7900 with 2 gig o ram.

What wheel are you guys suggesting?

also Rick could i have a PM?

Several of us are using the Logitech G25 wheel. It is vastly better than any other widely available commercial wheel, especially if you mod the pedals.

You have PM.

Cute, That’s all you Rick

Come play tonight fuckers, I’m bored out there all by myself… :stuck_out_tongue:

Playing tonight, probably starting around 8pm…

GTR just decided it doesn’t want to open for me anymore, time for some troubleshooting

For some reason, I could not connect to play online last night at all. Odd, because internet was working fine from that machine, and I even opened up Quake 3 to see if I could browse a list of games and that was working too. Must have been something going on with SimBin’s server. I’ll have to try again tonight.

EDIT: It was a SimBin problem, saw a whole thread about it at RSC…

Also found this

Anybody who is an ALMS fan will be VERY happy about it. Aston Martin DBR9, Corvette C6R, and more. Preview release for now, full release coming Jan 1… :headbang:

Play tonight guys…if one of our servers is not up, meet in the lobby at 9pm and w’ll just join a server

Christmas comes a little late for GTR2 players, but when it comes, it’s worth the wait…

Watkins Glen has just been released, and now all three layouts are available… short with the bus stop, long with the bus stop, and long without the bus stop.
Rain reflections and all the goodies now work. The pitlane is now working properly. Kickass! :headbang:


In other news, not only has someone modelled the C6R, but the skin for the 2006 Lemans livery has been done for it. :pimp:

Back on the horse tonight hopefully. I’ll have to hunt down the ALMS cars and the new WGI release for the server. Anything else?

Yeah, I grabbed the V8 Supercars mod, too. Lots of fun with the Holden Commodores and Ford Falcons. I also grabbed more than 50 more skins because most of the servers I’ve been playing on have been running primarily GT class cars. I’ve now got a plethora of Saleens and Ferrari 550 and 575s.

I’ve been pretty much in “catch 'em all” mode over the last week or two.

The other thing that is worth getting are the Thinlane V8 sound packs, especially his new one for the C5R (and C6R). They sound amazing in the car, but when you watch the replays, it is just like being there when they roar by the camera…

I’ve got so many new add-ons I’ll probably have to burn you a DVD this time…

what site are you using to download add-ons?