***Come play GTR2 ***

I repeat, you’re attempts to make the game more “realistic” have failed, all these cars have ABS and TCS in real life, yes, even the race ones.

Ok, if you are going to put words in my mouth, at least get them right. When you asked me that question, we were still playing NOVICE. I told you that yes the aids were on (at that time), but that MOST OF US were driving with them OFF or LOW because we could get faster times that way. Get it right.

I’m not trying to make it realistic. That’s impossible. Whether they have them in real life or not was not the point. The point was a CHALLENGE. Why do you think so many of us have the aids off?

Wow. How mature. There are more people playing with us than are on this board. And that’s your take? Talk about juvenile. You really just don’t get it.


I’m still bitching because despite the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE saying they dont mind the driving aids being on, it’s your way or the highway. I’d like to play in the league and I know others would too, but I’m not going to bother if it’s Rick’s ultimate no abs, no traction, everyone loves flatspotting tires playground.

It’s an NYSpeed server, clearly, if you’re playing there, you should be voiceing your opinion on the NYspeed forum, it’s no juvenile, it’s accurate.

Since you missed it, here it is again:

Seriously, what is your problem? Other than just selectively reading and seeing what you want to see?


Allowing driving aids is what the MAJORITY of people want, if you decide not to use them on your own car, that’s your choice. League play should allow them.

Here’s my opinions, put me in the camp I belong in. I’d just like to join in some racing if I can get my computer to cooperate for a whole evening.

I find it difficult to drive the cars without any traction control, I prefer to use low. A few nights ago the race was at Zuhai (or whatever) and the track was wet, not sure if everybody realized to put the rains on.

I don’t like to use ABS at all, but I haven’t ever tried the game with it, you’ll probably be faster if you don’t use it, maybe not, I don’t know.

I don’t use stability help, again, I’ve never tried it either. Just work on the car setup some more. (a lot of the “stock” or “out of the box” setups suck in my opinion) I feel I’ve managed to get a lot of the cars to a place where I like them.


When people are on the all out one I’ll probably be there as I havn’t been using aids for awhile.

And those of you that want aids have it.

I know I’m just a nobody on this forum. But as someone who’s had a lot of fun racing with you guys, I have to make a correction here. As far as I know, the FIA allows traction control, but not ABS or SMS.

[left]2.8 Electronic system[/left]

[left]A traction control system operating exclusively on the engine from

data provided by wheel rotation speed sensors is authorised.

Any other automatic or electronic chassis control system or

function is forbidden even if it is fitted on the original car.

This includes anti-lock braking, damper, suspension or ride height

adjustment, power braking, four-wheel steering, moveable ballast.

Semi-automatic or automatic gearboxes, power-driven clutches

with electronic or pneumatic control are forbidden unless they are

fitted on the series vehicle homologated by the FIA or from the list

of acceptable cars drawn up by the FIA.

In this case, the manufacturer must provide the FIA with the

system for checking the whole control system of the series

gearbox and/or the series clutch.

Differentials with electronic, pneumatic or hydraulic slip control are


All torque sensors are forbidden on transmission system and

wheels (including the use of two rotation speed sensors on each

transversal transmission).

This restriction does not apply to cars having a semi-automatic or

automatic gearbox and/or a power-driven clutch with electronic or

pneumatic control fitted as standard and using these systems

under the conditions of article 258-9.

Closed-loop electronically controlled systems are prohibited.

A simple open-loop electrical switch activated by the driver acting

on a system is not considered to be an electronic control.

Power steering may be employed as long as it is a simple system,

without programmable control.


All 1999-2005 Porsche GT3 varients (RSR, RS, Cup and GT3-R) came with Factory ABS.

And I appriciate your posting, voicing your opinion on the forum that this server is based from :tup:

So if that’s the case, I’ll settle for no ABS but traction control, though I’d prefer the other way.

I just want to have fun / play a GAME. Don’t make it so hard that a n00b like me can’t enjoy it / is just lap traffic. fuck that.

Soooo I just went in game, and tried again, just to appease Rick. I did 10 laps with aids on low, and 10 laps with everything off at Mosport (argueably my best track).

Fastest 1:18.7
Average: 1:20.2

Fastest: 1:20.5
Average 1:22.4

Not to mention, it was a 90 degree day, with super softs, and I spun through T1 rolling into the throttle in 4th gear, holy UNREALISTIC batman.

Do you use pedals? Otherwise I have no idea how wheelspin is that much of a problem…
In the NGT cars at least I rarely get wheelspin in anything but 1st gear unless there is a crest or camber change. Some 2nd gear exits take a little bit of care but no problems past that.

Yes, I use pedals, no, I do no use binary throttle input. I’m quite used to driving high hp RWD cars in real life with no traction control and I can tell you they handle much closer to those in the game with traction control. I cannot exit a corner in 2nd gear with more than 50% throttle, without spinning, period.

Leave it to a cc’er to bring the tech.

I don’t know why you might be getting excessive wheel spin, MPD47. I don’t use any aids and have no trouble hitting full throttle at or just past apex on most corners. In fact, I use throttle on oversteer (read rear wheel spin) in the 360 to help rotate the car.

My opinion may not mean much here but it doesn’t make any difference to me whether people use aids or not. The only thing I know is that the more drivers on the server every night the better. It gets kind of boring with only a couple of guys there.

Yeah…I sucked so bad I had to quit. :frowning: But its definitely manageable, I’ll admit that. But I’m 100% more consistant with the aids on low than off.

I’m well aware of what throttle oversteer is.

Both servers are now set to simulation mode, one with aids, one without.

Why can I not find the NYSPEED server in Simulation?

So, I practiced for about 20 minutes with no aids whatsoever just now (full simulation mode) and then hit the 'ring to really master the weight transitions as well as the crazy elevation changes with all aids off…

Got under 8 minutes around Nordschleife in 2 tries with a GT3RSR…

I’m satisfied for the night :slight_smile:

I lost internet around 10pm, so that took down the one I was hosting. As for Rx3 no idea.