***Come play GTR2 ***

Likewise this is a game, it’s meant to be fun. I still left all the options available on the backup server but it’s not like people touch that. But I would find the current layout quite unfair to though using lower-end setups or those that are new to the game. This isn’t some competition, this was meant to be something fun or so I thought. But like this now it just seems like an easy way to alienate potential new people. If there was a league then could understand, but that isn’t the case here it’s a game and it always will be even if it is a simulation. A lot of aspects won’t match up to that of racing in real-life.

Yes, he has, at my place. Which is why he’s qualified to make such a comparison. It’s a game, Game’s are supposed to be fun. Many of us dont find the complete lack of driving aids fun at all. It shouldnt be a pain in the ass to play the game. Not to mention, all of these cars have ABS and TCS in real life. (Yes, the race cars too, not just the street ones). (Minus the TVR which oddly the race car has a mild traction control, but the street car doesnt)

So you’re not into the whole performance car thing in real life? That makes you even less qualified to make a judgement on a performance based game IMO as you dont have your instinct and instruction trying to control your actions in a game that doesnt react the same way as the past few cars you’ve driven in a performance enviornment.

Just wanted to put my 2 cents in here…

I played GTR2 for the first time the other night at Mike’s place, and the practice sessions I had were difficult but I eventually became accustomed to the smoothness and care I needed to give the throttle and wheel. It was still hard, pulling off a clean lap was tough and pulling off times even close to where Mike’s were was impossible.

Racing against other cars with ABS and TCS on is still REALLY hard to get lap times even close to what the computer gets.

When I jumped on the server and attempted to do a lap…I had to quit. It wasn’t even fun with driving aids off. I drive completely by feel, and when you’re sitting in a chair in your room looking at a monitor, its impossible to threshold brake and know when the car is going to slip. So the little bit of help those driving aids give you is great assistance.

Besides, why not leave them on? Then the only people who have practiced a lot will be any good, and everyone else will off in every corner and no one will have fun. I think if the aids are left on, it will even the playing field and make the game more competitive and thus more fun.

First of all…how is a game that mimics real racing going to be easier than actually racing? Everything is as close to real life as possible…except one VERY important fact: Feel. You don’t have any feel of g-forces, feel of the chassis, realistic feel of the steering wheel, etc. Or do you have some suspended cart that pitches as your car does in the game? I sure don’t.

I believe realistic lap times would be the ones that are put down by the computer, no? I was watching Mike play, and he could barely compete against the cars with driving aids off. Before you say he sucks at the game, I believe he is a very tough competitor in the NYSpeed races online and has won a few races and put down some best lap times by a few seconds.

And my last post, I just bought GTR2 and I’m acquiring a wheel. So I’ll (hopefully) be joining the group very soon. However like a lot of people, I’m no expert at the game, so this policy will only be effective in shunning newcomers.

I don’t mind having tc and ABS allowed. If turning them off makes it not fun for some people then leave them on. I’d love to see some bigger fields and closer racing, we don’t want to turn away people that may have trouble with lesser controllers or new people.

I probably won’t be around much for a bit, Got about six engineering projects due in the next couple weeks.

Guys, i think the biggest difference is Stability control being turned off, secondary to traction control and ABS (I play with traction control and ABS on low anyways)

But last night in the server was like driving on ice. I think REALISTICALLY, the cars would have handled much better than that. Even coasting into turns was bringing a whole ton of understeer at low speeds, it was frustrating to say the least.

I laughed when you said understeer last night Zong, exact opposite issue in the Ferrari.

Ive been practicing all day without any assists, but auto clutch, and honestly I hate playing this way. I vote to put it back on. every 1-2 shift and sometimes even 2-3 shifts make me spin, even with modulation. and coming into corners at like 5/10’s is close to imposable to since you have to use your ears to hear the tires scrubbing, and its usually to late anyways. and if I dont lock my tires up, I spin coming out of the corner. i need a lot more time to get used to this game…

Well, pushing like a pig off throttle, spinning like a top in 1st and 2nd gear :frowning:

I have to agree with what everyone else has said so far. While I can deal with those setting off, its really not as much fun as it used to be. I also think a large group of people playing with low settings is a lot better than having it be very realistic with very few people playing.

Part of that is downshifting technique, I found out. In the 360, you absolutely must wait to start downshifting until you are almost done braking. Otherwise it acts like you’ve pulled the e-brake. Also, setting the brake bias to 56% front, and dialling the brake pressure down to 97% will make the car much better under braking.

I run 57% on the 360, part of what causes lockup without ABS. With TCS on though, I only spin under braking when I drive like a complete asshat and trail brake the living piss out of it while lifting, :lol:

BTW, does everybody have the mods now? I’d like to take that server down soon.

Im getting them sunday so if you could keep it up till then id appreciate it

Got my wheel set up and most of the driving schools finished…if anyone can PM me server details that’d be awesome.

Are we going to have any driving aids tonight? I’d like to play online again…

The unofficial server has driving aids turned on if anyone wants to use that instead tonight. But it was still off, on the official server as of last night.

Wow, so much crying over nothing. Way to make a mountain out of a molehill , but I guess since this is NYSpeed, I should expect no less. :roll: Way to kill the good vibes guys.

I don’t know how you’ve managed to psych yourself out Mike, but good job. :tup: Maybe Zong should submit this to his class for study.

For someone who says it’s just a game, you spend a lot of time complaining about ABS and pedal feel. It’s just a game, nobody has pedal feel :shrug: We’re all using the same tools. You hear the tires chirp, you ease off the brake. You don’t need to press the brake to the floor to stop., and you don’t need to floor the gas to go fast either.

All that “slip angle” stuff you’ve been doing? YOU CAN’T DO IT COSISTENTLY WITH THE AIDS ON, THEY HAVE TO BE OFF. Why do you think you’ve been sliding the car previously? The aids were off from way before we took the server down the first time to install the add-on tracks. Matter of fact, it couldn’t be more than 3 days from switching to semi-pro that the aids came off. I’m pretty sure I clarified that. You’ve been driving without the aids for a lot longer than you think!

I also looked (briefly) at the replay files of the night where you threw your hissy-fit. Almost every race was in the rain. Ochen-whatever track is an ice skating rink in the dry, much less wet. Everybody has issues there. Spa at night in a downpour? Seriously what did you expect? The game was doing what it’s supposed to do, simulate weather conditions.

Well that was the whole point from the beginning. Winter Racing League . Something competitive to do when the weather outside is shitty. Everything we’ve been doing (stepping up from novice, testing cars and tracks making sure things were equal) was in preparation for a league. I thought that was pretty obvious? Why do you think we’ve only had NGT cars on for so long without any of the other cars? It wasn’t because “Rick’s a dick, he won’t turn on the other cars what’s his problem”. You don’t think I like driving the bigger/faster cars too? :meh:

And how are we going to have a league without a level playing field? Here are the facts:

People using aids:
Zong (?)

People not sure of (using aids):

Akuma to Tenchi a.k.a. Krazy Karl

People not using aids (whether they approve of others using them or not):

Parsons (not on the board)
D-Ackerson (not on the board)
Tommy R (not on the board)
KJordan (not on the board)
Nick (not on the board)
Cooch (Not on the board)

So if we are going to have a league, don’t we all have to do/use the same thing? Level playing field? Fair? Otherwise what’s the point?

At any rate, we do have two servers. I was happy when Fuzzy set up another one, because it gives us more flexibility. I have no problems with one server setup in novice mode because I know that everyone will not want to/be able to handle the same level of play. Hell some of the more serious guys will probably want to kick back and relax, and having a second server will allow for people to have more than one option. We’ve had two servers for how long now? I thought that was the plan all along? Hence official (league) and unnoficial (just for fun)? There was no need to turn this into another "Rick won’t give me what I want :cry: " bitch/whine/cry party when that clearly wasn’t the case. :gotme:

My one good eyeball is watering like crazy now, and it’s just making me even more ticked off so I’m done typing. Don’t scratch your cornea boys, it sucks. :mad:

I complained about it as soon as the server came back online. I even chatted with you back when I was playing every night and you told me we were playing WITH mild ABS and TCS controls. If you want to be an ass about it even when there is CLEARLY A LARGE GROUP WHO WANT MILD DRIVING AIDS so be it. And yes, I can be consistent with driving AIDS on. I played today and varried the amount of them being on. I was still able to slide the car into corners and spin the car even with driving aids on HIGH in semi pro mode. While I prefered them down on a lower level for enough of a challange, but still entertainment. I have no desire to play a GAME where I’m not having fun. Locking them up in every corner because I dont know it till they are locked and make noise is NOT my kind of fun. You can still lock them up with ABS on high, so why bother having it all the way off.

Also, Neuro said he liked it with driving aids, so I dont know why you include him in there. Not to mention, you’re discourging others from playing the game online with us. I couldnt care less what Callmuf thinks, he’s clearly an idiot and has less time behind a wheel than I have at a track.

So let’s revise your list,

People who dont mind driving aids being on who have played on the server
Phil @ Innovative

People who desperately want them off:

I havent psyched myself out, I know when settings are different. Oh yeah, and if you arent on the board, I dont give a fuck what you opinion on the matter is, especially if it’s just you assuming what their opinion is. Unless you voice your opinion ON NYSPEED about the NYSPEED SERVER it’s pretty much null.