***Come play GTR2 ***

Who’s up for a Friday night gangbang @ Sepang? Say start around 10pmish, quick battle before the big boys do it for real on SpeedTV?


Who’s up for a Friday night gangbang @ Sepang? Say start around 10pmish, quick battle before the big boys do it for real on SpeedTV?



On now

Since I said in, then wasn’t in, anyone wanna race tonight?

as long as we finish before the F1 race is on, I should be game. Anytime before 2:00am. Maybe tonight again around 10-11pm-ish?

Anyone up for a few laps after the Sabres game tonight?

I might hop on later, if anyone is down.

I know have a wheel and man is it better. I just need a little more practice time

Anyone want to hop on sometime this week?


Anyone want to hop on sometime this week?


I would depending on the track/time

Anyone want to race tonight or tomorrow night?

IF you are up late tonight after midnight, I’ll hop in.

Dammit, I was in Canada for the weekend.

It must happen this week!

Watkins Glen, do it.


Dammit, I was in Canada for the weekend.

It must happen this week!

Watkins Glen, do it.


Im down for later in the week

Hmmm… might have to reinstall this tomarrow. :slight_smile:

So is this a go then? day/time would be nice preferably not friday night

The server is off right now, but if you tell me when you guys want to go, I’ll be sure to have it up and running.

IT’s getting close to that time of year again. A lot of new developments in the works:


Also the ability to have multiple leagues, upload and share/push skins (no more hunting down what everyone else has) as well as live career stat accumulation (whether you race in the league or not), as soon as I figure out this F#$%@% SQL shit :mad: :smiley:

The mclaren F1 mod, the prototype mod and GTR²-XD are must haves. I am ready for some online racing come this fall/winter

GTR2 is a great game with the right setup it runs very well…

I also like DiRT that games has great physics…