congrats to Laura00ws6

lol yeah F1’s seem to be good tires from what i heard. they dont need heated up too much. and a auto car with a good converter makes it really nice to launch…have good control over the tires and power. thats the only reason i hit 1.8x’s. the converter made it possible

woot looked good man…sounds good too! hope u get some traction next time and all the bugs worked out

I was there later that day for the track rental. there were no traction issues with the track at all!!! Some of the best hook I have seen at prp in a long time!!

they also prepped it for the rental. supposly 1320 worth of prep

must admitt the track prep for the rental was great i pulled the front wheels and went 10.89 @ 125

awseome, what shot u running?

how high Steve?

i believe 125 shot

nice…congrads laura :cool:


sweet!!! u see any better times yet on the motor?

no not yet. Quik the driver side about 3 to 5 inches

nice man!!! how did it feel? i remember the day you went 12.2 i seen daylight maybe 1/2" but you didnt carry them

and congrats on the 12.0 NA and how far did you carry the wheels on the juice

Hook at track rental. Stock shortblock H/C/I 93 Mustang GT pulling 1.49 60’s to run 11.03@121mph. Launches were off the two step at 6600 rpm.

This is N/A…no power adders!!!

thats was joe’s car

thats getting it done

nice times steve

i guess i’ll be running 13’s. good job, with some stickies you might get mid 12’s

thats what im looking to run. i think youll be running better than 13s though