Cops checking out mod. cars

Where was this?

What section is this? Why are you posting this shit here?

me = short fuse
you = ignorant

^ why not?

this topic seems to fit into a variety of areas on the board.


Really? How so?

We were at a meet. So I put this here. We were at Hwy 7 & Leslie. 6 cop car with 10+ cops popped everyone’s hood and checked basically everywhere.


what kind of mods were done and what were the reprocusions(sp?).

It seems u guys are in a parking lot…are they allowed to do that in a parking lot? isn’t that privaite property? maybe i could be wrong? I don’t know?

That is crazy, they have been doing that here now too…especially in cambridge, really rediculous, a few of the cars have been towed away for having various ‘illeagl mods’

Its really getting annoying…like to the point that you dont even want to drive your car.

Unfortunally I think that’s the point.

i’ll do the exact same thing i do to the cops when they ask to search my car after they “catch” me painting. Tell them no, unless they have a warent they are not aloud to search the vehicle. I know this beacuse, i was out with a buddy one night, and they busted us. They ask to search the car we said no, they saw his trunk wasn;t closed, search thru it…found the stuff, but since we said no, we got off.

I don’t know if that works for MTO, but if a cop asks me to pop my hood, he’d better have a good reason, beacuse i’m not going to pop it unless i see somthing saying i HAVE to.

mto has the right at any time.



I want to know what they are looking for…

Are they looking for illegal stuff like nos and crankcase breathers?
Are they looking for modifications like turbos and superchargers?
Are they looking for specific emissions equipment?

I just wanna know what it is that they are looking to nail people for so I
can take proper precautions…


fine MTO has the right, i thought they did, but cops don’t and i stand by that. If a cop asks me to pop my hood. I wanna see a somthing saying i have to, or they’ll get call from my lawyer, and i have’t lost once yet.

thats fine. refuse.

then wait 5 mins. and mto will be there…

if they want something they will get it.


Although there is something to be said for taking their time up … and making it less worth it for them.

If you do have something to hide … don’t let yourself be bullied by people who would perfer you not to know your rights :wink:

And if you don’t … might be funny to put on a big show then when it turns out you have nothing away send it to America’s Funniest :wink:

But as I implied earlier, there is a line between getting your rights and being an asshole to someone doing their job.

f the cops, i hate the pigs, and if u fuckers are reading this, kiss my brown ass!!!

i got a ticket for my muffler, and i’ve been stopped by the pigs a billion times before, one piece of shit pig checked out my exhaust system from underneath and said “Nice set up”.

this fucking york regional dickhead just said your exhaust is too noisey, looked at my dual tips, and gave me a fucking ticket. and i was calm, cool and collective, and was being courteous and respectful the whole time. some guys are just born losers and power trip when they have a little authority. and some guys are just born assholes.

i don’t care if its they get paid to be assholes, at least take the time and do your job properly. my ride is stock, and i bought that muffler cause my old one was rusty, and that one was cheaper than an OEM replacement.

did i mention i hate fucking pigs and i hope they all fucking rot in hell up satans ass?

best post evar! :salut:

they are doing their job.

if its too loud its too loud.

how to beat the ticket

  1. get a fucking life and dont be ignorant to cops
  2. go to court
  3. tell judge that your cars exhuast is no louder than a police spec harley
  4. tell judge that you since purchased tips to silence then exessive niose.
  5. thank the judge for letting you off with a warning.
  6. walk out door

easy as pie.


the mto is lookin for crank case breathers (e.p.a. violation), illegal mods(properly installed turbos not included) such as butchering up the engine bay,not hooking up all your vacum lines , inproperly installed components, as long as its done properly then you have nothing to worry about.

p.s. crankcase filter is a $300 fine ,my buddy got two within a week.
