Cops followed me from home, took my plates, gave me $220 in fines ON MY BIRTHDAY.FTC!

I’ve actually always wondered about this…

let’s say you are an owner of a reputable company. As a hobby, you tune cars. They are all fully legal, and meet all safety and emission standards.

Let’s say, you get pulled over one day by the ERASE program, and city tv, or cogeco…or whatever happes to catch you on the news. Next thing you know, your car and yourself is displayed all over on the news, and then uses the slang “street racer” in association with the images or video.

Is this grounds for a law suit? Because…now that association is on the “business owner” who has no affliation with street racers, does not street race, was pulled over because of stupid political reasons, and is now being flamed as a street racer, which could potentially result in a tarnished reputation and loss of income due to lack of consumer confidence.

If all of a sudden the news media, and the police get tagged with a law suit with misuse of a derrogatory term, and unnecessarily placing an upstanding canadian citizen as a ‘street racer’, I do think it would turn the tide on the whole stereo type of the ‘street racer’ label.