Cops followed me from home, took my plates, gave me $220 in fines ON MY BIRTHDAY.FTC!

Damn those street racers…

I would love to see what happens if Mr. Wooley says something like this (No racism here…)

“We’re trying to crack down on gun safety. Get those gun-toting ________ off the streets.”

Shit would hit the fan…

I seriously want to organize a meet for tuners, but we prepare brochures, activities, and raise awareness for those who done tune to street race.

We could have it in a very visible, accessible area. When I was w/ Martino watching that and I heard it… I actually felt offended and almost cornered. Our hobby is causing us a hassle and lots of money. I have to fight a careless driving charge the cop just gave me cause he saw a car with an aftermarket exhaust changing lanes.

What about the American Muscle tuners who roll down the street with an average 400+ HP?


/end rant.

But the meet thing is a good idea IMHO…

^^ For sure… We (the son240sx community)can host the even, and we’ll chip in for some fliers, or something, and as cars pass by hand them out. You really know how much little things may help.

Uh^ to early for my writing skills lol.

That is BS bro… a ridicilous thing happened to me yesterday … but its ok coz i will fight the speeding ticket…

I was on the highway… doin about 120/130 km/h on the middle lane NOT THE PASSING LANE… i see cars pass by me… 10-20 cars passing me… cars, jeeps, even vans and trucks… doing more than me… the seeing a corvette passing by doing atleast 150 … 160… 5 mins later i see an OPP with his lights on behind me telling me to pull me over. Got a speeding ticket doing 140 on a 100zone.

But get this guys… prior to him giving me the ticket i had a feeling he was following me. so i took out my cell phone started recording my speed and the cars passing me by… recorded all the cars,vans and trucks passing me by even the corvette… then when he pulled me over i said the date and time… and i ended the video cam. right b4 he came and gave me the ticket.

what do u think guys? can i win this case? if i show the judge this video.

I’d say you have a very good chance then.

very good thinking man, that is a smart move!!

any chance jesse is still on cogeco on a sunday??

street racers, hah, those cop cars probably have more power than some of the modified cars out there, friggin weak.

someone should run that shit head over.

addition oh and with the horn thing, you have a quick release hub right?

tell them one day you were stupid enough to forget about it and pulled the wires out.

probably should have just showed the cop your video :wink:

this is a wake up call for all the son guys with rotted frames and floors. dont drive around or else you’ll be taken to an MTO station and then get ass fucked with tickets.

True, but its no wake up call.

Everyone does it, and it won’t stop.
It’s either you A) Drive your piece of shit car to work everyday/night, attain more hours, and make more money, than buy a well worth vehicle


B) Don’t drive, lose potential money because of hour issues or distance.

Weather or not your cars rusted to shit or safer than a police cruiser, we’ve ALL become a statistic and have been labeled as street racers no matter how we look at it. They’re out to get “Street Racers” and we’re their easiest target. Why? Because its our word against theirs…and we all know, in most cases our word means nothing…

Im curious as to if they did an emission test or do they even care about that?

I’ve actually always wondered about this…

let’s say you are an owner of a reputable company. As a hobby, you tune cars. They are all fully legal, and meet all safety and emission standards.

Let’s say, you get pulled over one day by the ERASE program, and city tv, or cogeco…or whatever happes to catch you on the news. Next thing you know, your car and yourself is displayed all over on the news, and then uses the slang “street racer” in association with the images or video.

Is this grounds for a law suit? Because…now that association is on the “business owner” who has no affliation with street racers, does not street race, was pulled over because of stupid political reasons, and is now being flamed as a street racer, which could potentially result in a tarnished reputation and loss of income due to lack of consumer confidence.

If all of a sudden the news media, and the police get tagged with a law suit with misuse of a derrogatory term, and unnecessarily placing an upstanding canadian citizen as a ‘street racer’, I do think it would turn the tide on the whole stereo type of the ‘street racer’ label.

Fuck that ill drive my car whenever. I have no front plate and cops dont bother me, but i do got to get my horn wired up.

Cops are just pricks how can you call some1 a street racer if all you have done is caught them with having their car cheaply modded.

I believe thats true, but what are the chances of something like that happening? Cops follow you, they dont randomly pull you over when you drive by… they follow, run your plates, do a little research on the owner/driver, past offencises, car make/model, ext. modifications. Basically, if you are a young MALE, driving a car that seems to be modified, ( or a honda) they will pull you over. Just a week ago, I got pulled over ( driving my moms Acura MDX). You know what the cop said to me? He was like " im not giving you a ticket or anything, but I wanted to pull you over, becuase you dont seem like the type to own a high class Sport Utility Vehicle.

It’s no supprise … I’m a young black male, driving down a sidestreet at about 3am ( dropped a friend home). Stereotyping, and discrimination. The only thing that I can say to people would basically be : Stay aware of where your driving, and the time of day it is. Make sure you have all your shit in line, or else you will get fucked. And personally, i dont care anymore, im not afraid of the fuzz. I know im not a stupid driver, and i wont let this get in the way of my hobby.

“Only People that cant afford to pay tickets are afraid to drive” – lol

i found this funny


its soo fucking biased, they are ONLY focusing on racing.

Modifications and accessories common to street racers
Four or five point seat belt harness
Aftermarket induction (super charger/turbo charger)
Oversized tachometers
Graphics indicating race participation
Low profile tires/larger rims
Lowered suspension
Modified air intakes
Racing pedals – LOL
Roll cage
Fuel cell
Big/loud exhaust – LOOL
Slick tires
Short shifter
Nitrous oxide


Honestly … i think they should change the programs name to ERASE


so come on guys… lets go ERASE some fucking punks. ** gets pitchfork** :smiley:


:lol: Hacknick you’re freaking jokes man! :lol:

That Erase website is pathetic. Was that started by that fucking pansy whoès part of the Ontario Safety League or whatever you said “if your kid has a stack of tires in the garage, he’s street racer!!”???

if you ever feel you are being followed, head to private property, pull over, stop the car

then calmly sit on the hood after you make sure you forget where you put your keys

they can’t tow you by force only by consent, or if a vehicle is abandoned… as long as you sit on it they can’t touch it

have a cell phone and some buddies handy to bring parts ideally :slight_smile: