Court Subpoena

So, Brenna and I received a court Subpoena in the mail today for the accident on her Cavalier last year when some drunk with a suspended license hit her car plus two others. Apparently we need to bring “Evidence of Restitution”, but I fixed the car and sold it to another member. The problem is, when they want us to show up to court it the day we are going away (July 21st-23rd.) Is there some way to get out of this?

We never got anything from the drunk because he didn’t have any insurance, and we did not feel like dealing with this. Any help is appreciated.


just tell them your going out of town and to deal with it accordingly. :dunno:

Pictures of Brenna

mmmmmmmmm booooooooooooobies


Your wifes boobs for my girls boobs, post pics wimp!

:clit: :idhitit:

u first wimp!!!:moon: