COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

I’ve completely stopped using it. Unless someone sends me a link I never look at it. Echo chamber of barf.

“This means that unvaccinated people cannot therefore rely on the immunity of the vaccinated population for protection, they remain susceptible to infection, and risk of serious illness and death.”

205 households seems like a small number to test but still shows vax becomes less effective.

I find it hard to believe we have zero info on all the contact tracing that was being done early on.
There must be a mountain of data available. At least the major drug companies do not have to share any of their raw data for the studies used to get approvals. The stories that people with severe reactions were removed from the study and not counted should be more than enough to warrant an investigation.

But hey, its’s not a child’s stolen diary or anything.

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Look up “leaky” vaccines as described by Bret Weinstein from the Dark Horse Podcast, they are extremely concerning because they allow for many variants to appear.

Can we all acknowledge how messed up the situation is with Aaron Rodgers and the NFL and how he is literally getting a free pass for completely lying about being vaccinated and violating all the protocols for unvaccinated players. The guy should be suspended for majority or if not the whole season. The way Covid has been being handled by the NFL before this and how it’s being treated in general, this is ridiculous that they just give him a pass.

At a very least, he should be seriously fined by the league.

Idk, lying at the workplace is bad, especially when your health is directly tied into and monitored at every aspect of your position.

But other employers? Idk, is it their business regardless?

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Daily testing for all, or the workplace will not be as safe as it could be.

He claims that the team knew he did not tell the whole truth and did follow most all rules with the exception of ones intended to shame people.

I had to look it up, because vax status of anyone is none of my business. I am surprised he opted for horse meds. (not really, but surprised I didn’t get some CDC pop up or something.)

The leaky vaccine stuff has been around for a while. It make perfect sense, so it must be fake news.
Getting infected with more than one strain simultaneously means it’s party time.

I didn’t like the comparisons to HIV… I’m pretty sure that was a Weinstein thing?

Yeah, the Aaron Rodgers thing is pretty crazy. IDC if you’re pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine or somewhere in between. The owners, league and players union agreed on these rules that he openly flaunted. Curious to see where that goes.


Sounds like they are giving him a pass and to start doing the right things going forward or they will then take action. Probably because the NFL messed up as well and let this slide. I mean come one, it has to be knowledge to the league who is vaccinated or not, unless maybe the team itself didn’t report which players are or not. The team I’m guessing as the employer and not the NFL itself…

Hard to compare the NFL and typical corporate environments either. It’s not like any of us spend all day at work getting our heart and breathing rates way up and then repeatedly slam face first into our customers/clients/competitors. It’s pretty easy for corporate environments to mitigate their spread risk. Not so much playing a full contact sport like football.

EDIT: Unless you’re Cody Ford. That guy pretty much kept his 6 foot social distance all fucking game yesterday because he didn’t block shit on the line of scrimmage.


An interesting read for where the vax mandates are almost certainly heading… the Supreme Court.

I think you may have invented a new reality show. Like Terry Tate - office line backer for real.
No raises for accounting this year. They got creamed in the octagon with IT.

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I think a good angle to go after the current mandates would be an equal protection challenge. Trying to skirt around doing this as a federal mandate for all by making it an OSHA rule for companies over X employees seems like a clear cut equal protection violation. Even more egregious when they’re not requiring illegals being released into communities to be vaccinated AND congress exempted themselves from the mandate.

@JayS my first thought was all those cases were v. States and not the federal government.

Also, does OHSA have the authority to require a medical procedure? Have they ever?

My guess is this gets shot (pun intended) at the federal level then sent to the states to make the call.

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This was an interesting comment on that thread I’d like to look further into.

go here:

the world record holder for underwater breathing is reporting dramatic impact to his BPM and ability to hold his breath is reduced by ~20%; related directly to the vax.

could also put that post in the watch thread… ceramic sub spotted :slight_smile:

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On a side note, I just learn that a person can actually hold their breath for almost 25 minutes if they train themselves to. That… is insane. That also makes that 20% a significant amount of time lost.

I’ve definitely thought about this over the past week. I feel like it’s increased a noticeable amount, but my historic stats don’t show it. There’s a Fitbit update I’ve yet to do so there’s still time for Google to fuck with my digits, lol.

Wondering when OSHA is going to address all tye other existing communicable diseases in the workplace?


“I get to take my hard hat off after work” - saw it somewhere.