COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

They will never report that though. Every report I hear is that the majority of people in the hospital right now is that they are not vaccinated.

Just annoys me that at the same time we are trying to push health on people, we are ignoring how much we have normalized obesity. One of the major factors of people getting seriously sick when contracting covid.

Also like others have said… I wonder how many beds we’ve lost for hospitals after we let people go because they weren’t vaccinated. That’s bullshit.

This will probably disappear.


That only uses those numbers to shame the un-vax

I expect the total numbers of post vaccinated getting hospitalized to keep increasing simply because a large majority of people are vaccinated.

Same goes with deaths. They push the hardest to get the elderly and immunocompromised shots and boosters. It seems logical that some of those people that might still get covid would be more likely to die.

It’s never going to be as easy as vax vs un-vax. I wonder how the anti-body testing of the vaccinated and covid recovered groups are going. There have to be people out there getting tested to see how long it lasts.

I just got back from Tulsa. they are on a slight up swing around +980 cases. Masks are encouraged but optional. Nothing special about it on the news there. Based on everywhere I have traveled over the last 2 years having “high” numbers. I should be dead.

There was a lady at CLT airport that did not seem to like this line of conversation I had with a colleague I was traveling with. Her friends 25 y/o brother died…

I’m sure she would have loved to explain why everyone needs the jab, but I just followed up with “it’s tragic and there is no good way to predict how severe it will be until you get it and the same goes for the vaccination”. She stopped looking at us then.

OT: The guy I was traveling with literally said we need mandatory vaccinations or no healthcare and half of the country is too stupid to understand so they will have to be forced. later that day he also said that nobody should have a gun for personal protection. Hunting and sporting. That’s it. Good times.


we were at those numbers, roughly 50/50 vax’d vs. unvax’d, a few weeks ago. and yes, it then tilts to majority being unvax’d after you go through the whole: “not-fully vax’d” or “partially vax’d” period. or maybe that period is only getting started and will be renewed when 2 needles isnt enough to be fully vax’d.

it will never be clear and it’s fun watching the various jurisdictions copy and implement the same nomenclature as others shortly after/before.

It was nice walking into Dibella’s for lunch. No mask, look around to everyone sitting down looking at me like I’m nuts. No comment said to me while I waited my turn. When it was my turn to order food, “Sir, we are needing to have masks on” which he handed me one. I put the mask on, placed my order, paid, took about 5 steps, sat down and took my mask off.
WTF is the point!!! Seriously though, what’s the point. Sitting down I looked up, they had ceiling fans on. Whats the difference of having a mask in line but not at my seat… especially since you are circulating the air in the building.


Man, that was a close one. Thank you for your compliance.

You should have called the issue with the fans to their attention. If they reversed for winter, they are artificially lowering the height of the invisible covid barrier.

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You’re just the worst person ever!

Think of the CHILDREN!!!

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Little Caesar’s is not enforcing mask. Can confirm.


I did see that Goodbar is going to require vaccination proof to enter their establishment now. I’m guessing so they don’t have to worry about people wearing masks. However, I thought no matter if vaccinated or not, you have to wear a mask now.

Think they’ll start checking ID’s too?


Right? So how are they going to handle the Bills games? I thought that was too difficult to enforce at the concessions?

If the establishment checks everyone then you don’t have to mask. Until polancarz moves the goalpost again…

This makes no sense. So if you check for vaccination, no one has to wear one. If you don’t, everyone has to. Why can’t I just show I’m vaccinated then and not have to wear a mask. They say masks are to protect those around you, not yourself. This shit is getting dumb if that’s true.


None of this makes sense lol.

From the very start we were given contradictory facts and policies. That has only gotten worse.

Yup lol

Mask don’t work, here’s a fake vaccine…

Shit vaccine doesn’t work either…let’s go back to masks.

There’s a billion dollar automotive company selling a car that advertises that it gets 100mpg and will solve the gas crisis. The government asks that all Americans choose this car and you, being a reasonable person, buy it. The thing is though, after a few weeks it slowly gets worse and worse gas mileage, first 95mpg, then 60mpg, then 30…20…10…until one day it just stops working. The car was funded by the government and the government pushed extremely hard for me get one, even shaming those who didn’t want one. Would you complain to the manufacturer that they sold a bad product? What if you couldn’t post about how bad the car was on any public forum?


Polonshart is a fucking douchebag.


more data-driven evidence to support the conspiracies: