Is it rude for me to keep my distance from those with mask’s because they are not vaccinated?
Meaning that you intentionally create additional social distance when they are as close as 6’. This is also very important to do while outdoors.
Is it rude for me to keep my distance from those with mask’s because they are not vaccinated?
Meaning that you intentionally create additional social distance when they are as close as 6’. This is also very important to do while outdoors.
I’m still shocked that Dash’s is like 2/3rds masked here in Amherst. My zipcode is around 80% vax’d and I doubt many people are driving from outside this zip to go to my local Dash’s so it’s baffling to see so many people there in masks.
It is a decent dashes. I do not often stop there.
Colvin and Highland is better… but I’m biased
Went to Lowe’s tonight, Maple and Transit. I’d say about 60% no masks. My wife was all worried walking in what the policy was and I was like, “It’s the same for every store that I go to now. I’m not wearing one until someone with a name tag comes up and asks me to, at which point I’ll politely apologize and put one on.”
Some light reading on our Lord and Savior Tony Fuckface
We were in NJ friday night and sat, almost everyone still in masks. I think their mandate just ended last wed?, so maybe people weren’t sure what to do still.
Funny enough most of the people i saw without were over 65.
Erie County numbers are looking really good, even with all the stuff opening back up and mask mandates dropping. If you removed the east side of Buffalo where vaccination rates are still low the numbers are even much better.
I was in Lake Placid this weekend. Didn’t wear a mask anywhere. The whole town was PACKED. I’d say only 50% masked, if that.
RIP man. It was nice meeting you that one time.
Cricut crowd is busy in that house.
amazing how most people will never know about those emails and if presented to them they will deny their veracity.
what is the best link to view the most damning of them?
Not sure if there is a good list anywhere. Had to use duckduckgo to find this one.
Google links follow this trend.
wow that CNN piece is a perfect picture of the low grade journalism they produce.
just going to post the images here for future referance i guess:
k i think thats it. i double posted some but edited it back down,
The asymptomatic thing always made me
It’s the symptoms (coughing, etc) that spread viruses. By definition if you’re asymptomatic you’re not projecting the virus beyond your body. Asymptomatic spread would have to be from french kissing, or licking an infected persons dinner plate, etc.
But I guess you can never be to careful…
That’s not a husband, that’s a lil bitch.