Credit Score Question.

I wish people would read and stop making me look like an asshole. I wanted an opinion on where to go to get my credit score and all everyone read was that I wanted it free, which is not what I said. What I said was “Preferably free” meaning I would like it free if possible. But the main point of the post was to ask if there is one place better than another to get it from or are they all the same. How is it that I somehow worded it to everyone thinking all I wanted was it free?

I dunno, but at least you paid up. Shitty score? Welcome to Credit Repair. Look for my sticky and you’ll be on your way to not sucking at life.

What is really considered bad, or good? I am young and don’t have a long credit history so I’m not sure where it should really be. Right now it is a 650.

You should be able to improve that. I’m only 22 and had a 750 without any long-term credit (only revolving from 2 credit cards).

650 isn’t shitty. It’s not great, but it’s not shitty, especially if you are young. It’s not going to stop you from getting a loan, but you may not get the best rate just yet. As long as you maintain established credit it will go up. Oh and if you suck at life, it’ll go down. Are you planning on a big puchase?

Yes, a house.

you also have to remember that credit score is only one factor.

I’d rather have an income of $150,000 and a credit score of 600 instead of a 780 score and an income of $35,000. (both are very possible scenarios but assume no existing debt).

obviously more of both is better - it just happens that anybody can easily get a good credit score if they don’t mess up. is the best/only place to pull your Fico.

I have a wamu credit card, online they give you your score monthly.

I went to 6 months after i did my free anual report, and it was free. I was never charged. I signed up for the tripple credit thing your suposed to, paid nothing, and cancled a week later. I dont see how that is a scam in any way. I guess people are just idiots and dont cancel? It is free… It says that on thier website and i did it for free.