crooked cops. we give these people "authority"

I can’t ban him . Even if I could I can’t as he didn’t break a rule . Just neg em and reportr post to vlad

Jesus christ this kid has to much time on his hands. I dont like cops either but really, the post is pretty stupid :lol

i have same amount of time you have 24hrs a day. i just use my time differently.

Yeah some of us have FT jobs and a life. Obviously you do not.

and you know this how? did you research me? study every move i make? just because i have money and i dont work doesnt mean you need to talk b.s. are you mad?

excuse me i didnt know you were so busy. with life and such. but you find time for me wow i feel better

and people with full time jobs need respect i respect them. but you have same amount of time i have you use yours differently. why is it bothering you? i use my time as i want. did i hurt you? i dont see how you can be so one sided

and i bet you find time to watch the games? yankees and giants? waste of time imo

ahhhhh I got it now, you’re one of those “Imbettertheneveryoneignorantbornwithasilverspooninyourmouthandhavenofriendsbecauseyouratherspendalldayonyoutube” kinda people.

gubment dollaz

:rofl true

actually 20. :tongue get yo facts str8

Jesus. Post pics of your bank account you mutt.



Problem Bro?

lol you wish. That was from some guy in long island

So why didn’t ya buy the wagon brett lol

my favorite!!

Vliet hood rats