
Here’s my rant for the day…

Canadian/US Customs. One of our products at work is manufactured in Ontario. We pick it up using our trucks, and this is only our second time (first attempt was pretty much an abortion). You’d think that there’d be someone to guide you through the process, but no. All they want to do is stand there at the border, hassle the driver, and search the load. NAFTA is bull too because if the product isn’t listed on some nafta list then you are charged a tariff for it. The paperwork for NAFTA has to be with the truck or you are charged. Everything is on the driver. Their responsibility to fill out all of the proper paperwork, and if something is out of order…SCREWED. Our driver just called me after getting loaded, and he’s ready to puke.

Screw Customs. :bash:

yeah i have gotten hassled at the border every time i went to niagara falls

It’s nuts when you are actually bringing stuff in for a reason. Commercial trucks have bullseyes on em.