It really sucks. Tell them to buy you a similar car then or one that isn’t a leathered out and to have a shop swap everything for you.
Don’t talk to any of the normal reps, ask for their manager right away.
Explain to them that it isn’t JUST a TDI Jetta. That you looked long and hard to find a heat leather blah blah one.
Tell them you will not accept an auto or cloth and that the price they are offering you does not reflect this.
It is a pain in the ass but they will have to flex a little. Otherwise tell them that you will personally sue their client aka the lady that hit you.
When my corvette was rear ended they gave me way more then the initial estimate. Even though it was very little damage, the first offer was $800. I ended up getting something like $2800.
Call / Hassle Management
EDIT: Glad your both ok!!
Oh and if your car is ever totaled…get it towed to your house!!
Hey I haven’t read most of this thread but I just noticed you’re looking at TDi’s. You won’t be dissapointed, and remember these have been known to have 500,000 miles on them with just the clutch replaced. Just like all jettas, the brakes are pretty unusual and won’t be cheap to fix if you ever have to.
But the gas mileage on tdi’s is borderline absurd. 51.5 mpg doing about 70mph. And you’ll get close to that in town too. Unlike hybrids and some economy cars, you’ll see super consistent gas mileage no matter what your driving style is. I was paying $5/gal and still spending like 15 bucks a week on diesel, driving 140+ miles every week at least.
this thread is about his jetta TDI that just got totaled. gtfo of threads that you are not going to bother to even browse over before saying something stupid.
At least when I’m in a thread saying stupid things, I’ve read the whole thing and am basing it off a rudimentary knowledge of what everyone is talking about.
Don’t back down. If you DO have the space its probably worth buying the salvage when its all said and done, just to part it - You should easily recoup 2-3k or more if you have the time / tools etc.
I went through this with my 951 when it got rear ended, offered < $6k and was like, “find me some for that price and I’ll buy 3 of them.” Just escalate and remember to be so polite that it HURTS - insistent, sure… but POLITE is key, otherwise it just hurts your case. I ended up getting 12,5 for my Porsche which was actually way MORE than book, it just took talking to the right people (and then I bought it back for $1100 and took $25,000 in parts off, LOL)
so for now im going to focus on progressive… they offered more to start and I was debating on fighting with both till i got what i wanted but looks like in the end it will be easier to fight with one.
Im going to pick up the jetta now (its drivable) and take it to my rents (they have a garage)
It sucks as im inthe middle of buying a house… and this isnt the stress i needed.
the manager to the adjuster im dealing with is out of the office till tomorrow so im at a stand still till then. Ill update as the saga continues.
Sorry to hear you’re going through some shit man. I’m still fighting for my money. $3500 worth of damage, police hit my car while it was parked. I’m getting the shaft on it. Insurance companies suck.
Right now, the market for TDIs isn’t so hot. Gas is cheap, diesel is much more. I this were a few months back, you’d be in better shape. I’m holding out for the price of oil to go up again before I sell mine. Heck, mine is well maintained, 164,000 and I’d be happy to get $4500 for it.
hahah so true. i sold mine right as the shit was hitting the fan and people were fucking freaking out. BUT i was an idiot and sold it for far less than what i prob could have got…
dont worry JJ gas will go back up as long as v8 quattro wagons are still on the road creating the demand. :lol:
but at the same time not everyone looking to go diesel will be as open minded as you purchasing a new beetle.
I agree JJ I would be happy to get 4500 for a base modal bug. but i didnt drive a base modal bug.
all I want is to find a replacement exactly like mine… or close to it. I cant live without sunroof and heated seats. find me one that doesnt need anywork (as mine didnt) that has the options I want for 4500 ill stop whining take my 4500 from the ins. and go buy it. thats all i want.
not to get on your case and i may be wrong entirely but didnt you get this car off ebay with a broken timing belt for wicked cheap to begin with? why dont you just do the same thing with the 4500 and buy your old car back to have as a doner/parts car.
so i just checked ebaymotors and there are a ton of jetta tdi’s that can be had for like 5-6k with half the miles and they are even a few years newer. plus they arent from teh northeast so the body wont be rotted to shit. i would say the $$$ they offered you just may be fair. i understand you are pissed cause everything was fine then bam your shits totalled but take the money and go buy another one. besides im sure you can actually part the car and make some good coin for the tdi swap. sorry if thats not what you want to hear but just my opinion.
im in the middle of buying a house I DONT HAVE A garage (or even off-street parking) or time to swap or extra cash. I drive my car for work and am self employed, I cant be without a car. I bought the car for 5k with 230k on it a year ago with a need for a transmission and clutch and due for TB. prior to myself getting married and in the middle of summer.
the purpose in section 46 of the NY state insurance burro is to give you enough to buy a similar car. now i spend 6-8 hours a day in my car for work I have to have a sunroof and heated seats. past that it needs to be a TDI now link me ad’s for a car that will not cost me MORE then what the insurance is offering 4900 to BUY, Pick up, pay TAX and register I’M THERE.