daily got a totaled, settlement done.

i think if you needed a car so bad you would just settle on a gl that doesnt have a fucking sunroof or heated seats buy your wrecked car back keep it in your driveway and then come summer/warmer weather swap the interior. mind you it takes all of a couple hours at most to swap those seats. then sell part it/scrap it/sell it as-is.

i get it you are pissed thats fine but now that i am reading more of this thread i am more annoyed of you whining about “needing” pointless shit like a sunroof or whatnot. im sorry but it just doesnt seem like a big deal to me. i have owned plenty of cars with and without sunroof/moonroofs and i could really give 2 shits…

buy a car or keep complaining on teh internet about insurance companies that do this to people everyday.

p.s. use less caps.

walker…i see where he is coming from on the items he considers necessary. his work is his car. it would be the equivalent of someone at a desk job being offered a bare bones plastic chair to sit in all day with a tv-tray to work off of. yeah, it will suffice, but it won’t make things easy. as a commuting car, who cares about the difference between gl and gls but when your desk is your car, i can see why the extras become necessities.

yeah i understand if the seats were uncomfortable. but his only complaint is they need to be heated. it takes 5 min for my ass to heat up my leather seats in my s4 without the warmers on. i cant imagine a person would drive around with the seat warmers on unless they enjoy feeling like they are going to shit at any god given second. secondly a sunroof is like getting a corner office with windows on both sides as opposed to a regular office with 1 window…

maybe i just dont get it.
i apologize.

Well then it would seem you wouldn’t mind me fucking your girl then would you?

What if they totaled your convertible, but only wanted to give you a hard top. Would you care? I most certainly would. What if they totaled out your STi but only wanted to give you enough for a WRX? It is the same car, who cares about the ~30hp.

I’ll tell you who cares, the person who bought the damn car in the first place!

How about this, you have a manual M3. You spent more because the manuals have a higher resale. It gets totaled. They give you retail on an auto M3. Wait the autos are ~3,000 cheaper then the manuals. Why the hell should you have to suck that up? You originally bought a manual not an auto.

Replace what you broke. Take responsibility for your actions!

Well here is a Focus, it is a car, we crushed your car, but this one will do, enjoy. AWH

sorry i dont wife swap.

all of your examples there are not even close to it being the same thing as sunroof vs no sunroof.

he can get a NEWER car with 150k LESS miles for mid 5k. similar trim package and still manual.

so the 4900 they are offering seems justified.

I agree with walker on this one.

BTW, The difference in a wrx and STI is not just 30hp

Ugh logic lol.

So be it, I would still fight…

with a battle axe.

lol i can see that…

I agree with Walker, you whine to much, and don’t know spelling or grammar. Your business should look into Hooked on Phonics. :wink:


Mileage doesn’t mean a thing if the routine maintenance was not performed.

Timing Belt = At least $500 if you do it yourself
Fuel Injection Pump (dont even get me started…bad experience) = anywhere from $300-$1500
if you’ve ever owned a VW you know the stupid expensive cost of parts…

The list goes on, and I understand both sides of the argument. But the cars that are selling cheap, are selling cheap for a reason, trust me. Do some HW on tdiclub.com

whoaaa really???
im glad you said something…


dont talk to me about vws

lol @ Holden McNeil

reminds me of, “What the fuck’s the internet??!”

I agree with these 2 and the OP. If your Z06 was totalled and all they offered you was the money to replace it with a base vette, you would be pissed.
If your GLS is totalled, replace it with a GLS, NOT a GL. Why would anyone accept anything less for a car they did not damage themselves. The insurance company is obligated to replace the vehicle with the same model, not a lesser one that is similar.

What if he had not ended up with it being totaled out, and the shop did all the repairs. And upon him picking it up he noticed his sunroof and heated seats were gone. Would that be acceptable? They fixed his car, and it works right?

do you even fathom what you are comparing?


maybe i didnt dumb it down enough for some of you.

gl and gls is the same fucking car minus the heated seats, sunroof and power windows. SAME FUCKING CAR.

its not a base vette vs. a z06
its not an automatic m3 vs a stick
its not a 335 vs an m3
its not wrx vs an sti
its not a lancer vs an evo

its a fucking old mk4 vw with a base model engine vs an old mk4 vw with the same fucking base model engine.

he is whining that he cant find another GLS in that cond. well WTF i was suggesting is that he stop his bitching buy the fucking gl then buy his car back and take 2 maybe 3 maybe even 4 fucking hrs and swap his interior so the majority of the car is a GLS.

a fucking sunroof is not the end all be all of a fucking vehicle.

do you fucking sit there and gaze through it while your driving?

fuck im sure there will be another fucking 10 page thread if it comes with a cassette player and not a cd player


maybe if you say FUCK more, it will make things more true-er-er?

anything to get the point across-oss-oss

I 100% agree with walker.


walker don’t know shit about VW knockers…

for 75% of the time you drive the car, it is too cold to even open the sunroof. So what the fuck do you care so much about it for.

I don’t see why you all care so much. He wants exactly what he had, he wants his sunroof and heated seats so why shouldn’t the insurance company pay for them?

i understand the argument on both sides but I would have to say this:

I have a grand am gt, sure they are a dime a dozen but there are grand am gt’s out there that have a lot more options then mine does, leather interior, fancy mirrors etc etc. I am sure if some one went out, crashed their grand am gt with all the bells and whistles, they would be pissed if the insurance company replaced it with just a “base” model gt. Might be the same car but not the same options which makes it not the “same” car.