Damm Nasa!!! They gonna get us killed!!!

Dude, you still don’t get it do you, you asked for proof, I can’t mention my sources or their names, so I find something from online to give you and you still doubt it happening. I don’t know if your read the whole article, but they are already close to Saturn, so they sent this thing 10 years ago, that would make it 1997, and it takes them about another 5 years to plan for it and maybe another 5 to prepare (estimate) might have taken longer, so basically this whole thing was probably though off somewhere in the 80’s.

There is one more thing people have to get out of their heads, and that is no one is ever going to give you the whole truth, every truth has a little lie and a conspiracy behind it, that’s how they keep people confused, I am very surprised Cal-soy that even with formula’s or a whole 5 page or more of how this is being done in your physics lingo you still doubt this, when this project is in its final stages already.

You say oh yea I could see the reason because they are trying to help humans and look for a potential place for us on titan, dude, wake up, this is the "lie part of the truth, the truth is that they are doing it, and the conspiracy part is the rest of the unrelated shit that comes with it all.

Let me explain it to you in lamer terms.

lets say you need $100, and had no where to get it right away but from your dad, so you ask him Dad I need $100 its very important, your dad says why son, no you can’t have the money, then you say but dad I just got a call from my bank and they said I need to pay them $100 ASAP for my bill. So your dad says ohh okay that’s important I will give you the $100.

On your way out you say thanks, but when you get in your car you say fewh I have a $100 to get that fender fixed that I busted doing drifting in the snow, fewh no one will ever know.

In this case you needed $100 what ever way you could, imagine the $100 being the project money, your dad being the Government and Tax authorities, and then creating the PREFABLE LIE, that you bank wants your bill paid ASAP, this is what people want to hear so they will approve what you are doing. The conspiracy was that the outcome was different as it was planned.

What is conspiracy?

It’s a refer to surreptitious or covert schemes to accomplish some end, most often an evil one

Do you see what im saying now, that’s how these projects work, there’s truth in it, but also lies and a conspiracy. From the small example I gave you most people would think that’s not a big deal, but what was done was a “CONSPIRACY”, and we ALL do it everyday!!! and it was still evil.

Anytime you lie to a friend from what really happened you “Conspire” this word is being missunderstood by most people its not to do with big plots and lies, its relative to every one and every double sided story you, me or the government makes up.