DC area?


DC is a nice place to live. Lots of things to do. Not as busy as NYC. Tried to look for a place near work. The traffic on the beltway is the worst on friday afternoon. The salary is 100x better than buffalo. Buffalo is a depressing place, get out of there as soon as you can. Crime is not such a big issue down here. Stay away from Prince George county and the ghetto area of DC. People keep complaining about living expenses down here, it’s not too bad. You make more money down here so it’s pretty much balance out.
Maryland is slightly cheaper to live than Virginia.
The car scene down here is pretty cool. You get a few amigos with their hooked up hondas here and there. Boatload of tuner shops down here. The motor vehicle law in VA is kind strict. Emission inspection every 2 yrs and safety inspection every year. They will failed you if your airbag light is on. Don’t think of speeding down here. They can ticket you for reckless driving and 1000+ fine.


Hey hey hey… i was born in PG County!! New Carrollton SON!

Wow DC is really nice…

Also WOW on what they pay IT people in this area…


meh im in Manhattan right now, traffic really isn’t that bad…

traffic sucks in every city…

meh, ATL was not bad all the times I have been there, NYC and Chicago are seriously worse, DC is about as bad as ATL

Atlanta traffic is terrible…cars must not come equipped with turn signals in Ga.

Plus its crazy from buckhead to dt

You guys forgot Miami in the list of bad areas for traffic. But anyway… move to Vegas and work at one of the casino’s doing IT work. Look into it trust me.

LA traffic is retarded.

:word: that’s what I meant to post after having stores within the area. Tequilla owns me tonite =)

then again with bad weather all traffic slows, it took me 3 1/2 hours to get from Yonkers, NY to Norwalk, CT the other day when snow first hit.